A visit with Dr. Morgan....

Friday, the girls spiked temperatures while Mom was keeping them. Here was the result from a visit with Dr. Morgan:


Symptoms: diarreah, fever

Diagnosis: Red throat, let's swab for strep throat. Test came back positive. Oh, look, her eyes look like she is getting conjunctivitis.

Prescriptions: Tobramyacin drops daily for 7 days
Azithromyacin every day for 3 days (it is a stronger antibiotic, so shorter time, but stays in her system for a full 10 days)

Ok, on to :


Symptoms: fever, really bad cough (for 2-3 weeks now) and at school today, green yucky discharge from the nose.

Diagnosis: Sinisitis. Well, since Maddie came back positive for strep, let's check Kenzie. POSITIVE FOR STREP! Even though her throat wasn't red, she was positive for it also!

Treatment: Azithromycin every day for 5 days.

I am so sorry for the girls, but this is the first time they have been this sick in a long time. Too bad Kenzie has to miss school tomorrow, but she will be contagious until tomorrow afternoon. So, she will be back to school on Wednesday.

And now for the low down, other than the kids being sick, nothing going on.... SIKE!!!

Ryan got his car tagged and taken to Pop's house. Pop called today:

Diagnosis: YOU NEED AN OXYGEN SENSOR IN YOUR GAS TANK! Praise God! He said it will cost under 100 to fix it! Yay and he is going to do an oil change and fuel injection cleaning on it too. We should have it back this weekend. Praise God! We will have two cars next week! Yay! I can't wait to not be stranded at home the days that Ryan works 12 hours and it will be so much easier on the kids when we don't have to get up and take Ryan to work on thursdays and tuesdays! Yay! will be so worth it! I will keep you posted on that.

Jackie (the preacher's wift) has been diagnosed with liver and colon cancer. Keep her in your prayers.

Amanda-- is home. More of an update later.

And I think that is all I can think of right now.



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