Oh no, not my flowers!

Friday was very busy, but we got through it. We went to Kenzie's Kindergarten Physical. Her CBC came back fine. Her UA was also good. Her weight is 54 lbs and height at 44 inches. She needs to trim down a little, but all in all the doc isn't really worried about it. Then we went to Target to get soda for the church. After that, we went on home to get some much needed sleep which turned out to be only about 1.5 hours. So I was completely exhausted last night.

Today: I baked a cake for the fish fry tonight. Ryan had Dustin help him cut down the red bud tree in our back yard. We went to the fish fry/hymn sing. Then came home and put Maddie to bed. She is still in there yelling at me, so I may have to go in and get her. Not much else going on. Talk to yall later!



  1. *Hugs* You really are worn out. Love you girl. I hope that you get into the groove and your body regulates. Love you....


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