woah, i'm tired.

So, last night, I was on Lifeskills all night. It was 80 degrees on a small locked in unit with very little ventillation. I looked at the thermostat around 2 am and found it reading 80. This morning, Kenzie was off to school and I slept until Maddie woke up then when Kenzie got home, we put the back seat back into the van and went to Mom's to get Candice and Joshua since they had planned to come back to my house for a day or two before going back to Illinois. We finally got home from going to drop Peppy off to Mom at the shop, and visiting Uncle Ivan since Joshua looks like he did when he was a baby, we wanted him to get to see the baby while they were in town. Then we finally got home around 5pm. So, here I sit getting ready to go to the grocery store, and wanted to catch you all up.



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