School Resumes.... YAY!
And so, school resumed from spring break yesterday! Mommy and Daddy were so very happy about that! Hopefully Kenzie will get back to normal. After she went to school, Maddie did her own thing all day. When Kenzie got home from school, I got ready and went to Kindred of Sellersburg (aka Sellersburg Health and Rehab) and put my application in. I am tired of wasting so much gas to go to work and with the prices rising, I decided to just go somewhere here in Southern Indiana since things have gone from Bad to WORSE where we are working now. I am hoping that I can get a 12 hour shift over at Kindred the opposite days of Ryan. That way we can get the babysitting down to a minimum. Kenzie is having such a hard time with the long days that I work and wants Mommy home with her. We will just have to see what happens. Then upon returning home, we had lunch and when the weather cleared, I went outside and moved more daffodils and crocuses (spelling probably isn't right on that one) to the round flowerbed. I also started working on the long flowerbed with a hand rake and then I stopped. SUDDENLY! and screamed for ryan. I had found 2 snakes. Thank God the kids weren't right there with me. So for the night we were finished with the flowerbed clearing. I am not thrilled that I have to go back out there again today to work on some more of it. I am one of the most snake fearing people you will ever know even if it was just a garden snake. They scare me. I guess I can atribute it to learning that snakes are bad! as a child. Then when we got cleaned up, we all went for a family walk. Maddie in the stroller, Kenzie walking with Mommy and Daddy. We got about 1/2 way around the neighborhood and Kenzie wanted to sit in the stroller too, so we put her in there with Maddie (thank God for the double stroller) and about 1/2 way up a big hill, Ryan pushed them to me and said your turn. Needless to say I am way out of shape and had a huge asthma attack by the time we got home. It took forever to catch my breath. But I am ok now. I will be seeing a doc about getting an inhaler for times like those when I may need one. I don't get like that often, but man that was bad. I think I may take the girls for a short walk today, but not the long one like we did yesterday. I will just have to work up to the long walk. It is tough when you are out of shape, and I let myself stop walking because of the cold weather, but I will have to not do that anymore. We came home, I finally got my breathing back to normal. We had dinner right before we left for the walk, so all that was left was bed time for the kids. We did the baths and off to bed with the girls. Ryan and I then retreated to watch RAW. For those of you who don't know, that would be wresteling. We love it and it is something (kind of sportsy) that we watch together since I won't watch football! Last night was a final goodbye to Ric Flair. He has now retired and it was awesome. See for the highlights on it. And now I am sitting here while Maddie eats and blogging. Kenzie is at school and should be home in about one hour. Well that is all for now. Talk to you later!
The Cox Family
The Cox Family
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