I don't like stress. I have been stressed for quite some time now. With school, the kids, the new work schedule, and everything else that has been going on. I just hate that I have to feel stressed. The kids are doing good. Maddie is learning so much new stuff. Today she hollared for "Abe" that is what she calls her friend Gabe. Kenzie helped me with taking the invites for Maddie's birthday party to the neighbors. I can't wait for it. Maybe on her birthday party day, I will be able to enjoy myself again. Ryan is working and I am about 1/2 done with the research paper that I have due by midnight. I have organized the office somewhat today. I now have 2 desks and an entertainment piece down here with 2 office chairs and 1 computer chair. It is really comming together nicely. Mom isn't comming to get Maddie today and so I guess she will have her next weekend instead. Not much else to report. Talk to you all soon.
Sorry I havn't been good for much more then listening. You know what I'm going through with the surgeries, biopsies, and so on. I am much more tired then I thought I'd be and my veins are killing me. It hurts to move my hands where they stuck the IV's in. I love you though and I am a call away.....Sis