Not so quiet day
Hey! Since Kenzie and Maddie are sick, Kenzie of course was still contagious today and the teacher asked me to keep her home for the rest of the week since it is a short week anyway, so she stayed home and boy did I know it! She hates staying home from school. I hated doing it to her, but if she is sick, she is sick. So anyway, she stayed home and fought with her sister all day. Not my favorite day. I did re read the blog from yesterday and forgot to add something. My mom is all concerned about Maddie's legs because she walks a little pigeon toed sometimes. I told this to Dr. Morgan, she said "is she tripping over her feet" I replied "no" she then counter replied with "well then don't worry about her" and "it is normal for some kids to do that at her age" so now with that settled, I hope that will be the end of the ongoing fight over her legs. I took the kids outside again today!!! Maddie and I went to the neighbor's house and she was in heaven! ON THE TRAMPOLINE! It is no wonder we call her a jumping bean! She loves to jump. Maybe she will be an olympic jumper when she gets older. :-) Ryan worked and I did school work today. And now tonight I don't really have any plans for any of us. Maybe make some calls to the out of staters that I haven't been able to get ahold of for a while (hint hint amanda) LOL! Oh by the way, Mom called me today and she also has strep and pink eye! So I had a friend of mine take care of her. She is an ARNP, so she takes care of us when we need scripts! Anyway, enough from the sick family!
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