12 down 24 to go!!!

Last night I had my first 12 hour night shift. The shift went fine. The ride home was challenging. I was only able to sleep for about 3 hours before Ryan and the girls woke me up :(

Maddie has been a lil momma since Joshua came to visit us. She is so cute with him. Totally thinks that she is his mommy.

Kenzie has been equally as well. She thinks it is cool to have a baby in the house. NO WE ARE NOT THINKING ABOUT HAVING ANOTHER!!! Two kids are enough for us.

Mom seems to be feeling better with the antibiotics. The girls are feeling better too.

Dustin and Candice came to town for a visit and were gonna stay with Mom, but we asked them to come to our house since Mom and Pop are sick. Joshua is getting so big. I have pics, and will upload them when I am feeling a little more refreshed! Sleep is a must at this point.

And so before I get myself into any trouble here... I am off to save the pillow! :)


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