
Showing posts from August, 2007

Busy Day!!

Today has been a very busy day. Kenzie and I decided to finish doing the play room (which will have to be painted later on). I have pics, and I will be putting them in here when I upload to the computer next. I want to have a bunch on the camera before I upload since I find it useless to waste my time for three pics. I will put them in here at a later date. Hope you understand. I also found out what she wants "Santa" to bring her for Christmas. She is asking for a desk and chalkboard. I think that I will be able to accomodate that for her. I will do anything that she wants if it is soemthing she can use as a learning tool. She also told me that Maddie wants "Santa" to bring her a bookshelf for all of their books since they don't have one at the present time. In addition to all of that, we decided that she wants me to turn the area where the stove used to be downstairs into a stage. I am thinking about that one. It is big enough for the two girls, bu...

Day by Day

Although I think I may have done this one before, I felt like we could all use a little reminder that God is here to provide strength and nourishment daily and He will give us just what we need for that day! Love, Dawn Day by Day by: Sue Monk Kidd VERSE FOR THE DAY: Exodus 16:4 Then the Lord said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whethere they will follow my instructions." PASSAGE FOR THE DAY: Exodus 16:1-5 Last summer while I was taking drawing lessons, my friend Betty learned she had cancer. The day before she went to the hospital for surgery, her spirit seemed nearly depleted. "What am I going to do?" she said, thinking about the demanding weeks ahead of her. "How will I find strength?" That evening I found myself doodling on my drawing board, thinking of Betty. Soon I was sketching a loaf of bread. A simple, homemade loaf...

Crazy Lady!!!

"Mommy, what are you doing?" asked Kenzie as Maddie looked at me with wondering eyes... "I am cleaning some things up for Yaya and Pappy to come see you" I replied. "Oh, can I help?" Kenzie replied... "Sure, Kenzie, you can help by playing with sissy and cleaning your toys up" I told her. "No, Mommy, I am not a CRAZY LADY! I want to help YOU!" she said. So that is what she is into now. So as I wash the dishes, she puts them on the table after they have been dried, really causing me a little more work, but I don't mind. She wants to help and I let her. When I sweep, she sweeps and I sweep again. Same thing when I mop.... Then we move on to some of the other little things I want done like the vacuuming, and she runs.... She is afraid of the vacuum... Then on to dusting... Which she loves! When I start dusting, she takes over... She even helps with the laundry! I am so fortunate to have a little helper in her! I am so ...

"Andy Apple"

Today Kenzie came home with a new song: ANDY APPLE Andy Apple would like to play With his animal friends today. First he'll teach them letter A. Andy Apple draws A this way! (tune: "Skip to My Lou") It is cute. She also had a wind sock she had made at school. She wrote the letter A several times on it! I am so excited that she is doing so well as school already this year and she loves going! That is the main thing. She loves going.... Hopefully we will be able to keep her in this habit. Yesterday, she brought home a couple of things... One was the New Washington Newsletter. It basically says that Open House is comming... PTO is starting... and some of the sports are getting started. Right now, we are not putting Kenzie into any sports because they are mostly for the older kids. In other news, in form of another newsletter, EARLY CHILDHOOD PARENTS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! The topics were: Help your preschooler become responsible for personal care *Cleanliness-- Encourage...

Allergies... Why must I suffer???

I am having a lot of trouble with my allergies here lately to the extent that I have to type this with my eyes closed and hope that it turns out ok. This week has been ok. No drama. I am starting to have the we have visitors comming from out of state stress though. I want everything to be perfect, but I know that I won't be able to have all the painting done especially when I can't decide on the colors... LOL! I see it like this, I have all the time in the world to paint and when I find the color that I want, then I will paint. I would like to take the time that Roy and Carol are here to enjoy it with them. We don't get to see them very often anymore, so I want to take what I have with them and make the best of it... Kenzie has had a good week at school and now around 8pm, she says "Mommy (or Daddy) please lay with me. I need to rest my eyes for school!" I am so proud of her! I can't wait for Maddie to start school.... I think it is a good thing for ...


Well, I worked this weekend. I didn't reallly have a bad weekend. Although, Sunday was hard for me. I got pulled from the personal care unit to the brain injury unit. It was so hard to see them all in that shape. I am telling you, I just was emotionally drained by the time I left that unit 12 hours later... I then went to the unit I usually work to find two of the people working over there were just trying to upset me by forcing me on an assignment that I had never had. I just decided to do the good thing and take it with stride. I got the assignment done with no problem, then one of the two were having trouble with one on her assignment (which is the assignment I always have) so I told her that I would deal with the person. She said, no, you will need 4 people to deal with this person. I went in the room anyway, did what I had to do and got out with no trouble at all! When I told her and the supervisor, they neither one believed me! I mean, a lot of the time, it is the rappore tha...

Better Day

Today has been a better day. I didn't have all the stress that I had yesterday. I got a few things done like the rest of the tweaks on my computer. Kenzie was home from school today. She doesn't go on Fridays. Maddie and Kenzie enjoyed a good healthy game of chase in the house today. It was so funny, Kenzie would run to a room and there goes Maddie squealing and chasing her at the same time, then they decided to get Mommy involved, so Maddie would run toward me and I would jet to another area in the room. She thought it was so funny. Among other things, I got another large group of pics put on the Kodak. I am trying to get all of my pics put there for back up reasons. I lost a ton of pics when this computer crashed, but that is ok. I have a lot of them on myspace and on this blog, so if I need to see them, they are available. Thank goodness I had put all of my cakes on myspace and here because I don't have those anymore. It is sad, but like I said, I have them ...

Restore to factory settings....????

Hey guys... I know interesting title, but that is what I feel like we all need to do sometimes... I feel like computers were modeled after humans... Sometimes we all need to be restored in the Lord! I had to restore my laptop to factory settings tonight and with all that was going on here, I think that God was telling me that I needed to be restored to factory settings also. I am so happy that I figured this out. I am in the process of figuring out a schedule so that even though I can't be at church to be fed (restored) on Sundays, but I am working on Wednesday nights. My friend (I hope I can call you that), Maria, and her hubby have invited me to go to church where Brian (Maria's husband) pastors. I think it would be a great opportunity for me knowing that Several of the people I went to high school with go there on a regular basis. I also agree with her in the sense that I need to feed others and be fed at the same time. I am feeling a little hungry for the Lord right ...

School- Day 2

Hey guys. Thought I would share some of the stuff that is going on with Kenzie at school, yesterday she brought home a picture that they had taken of her for her first day. They also have started a daily notebook that they fill out their portion and I fill out mine every night. I really like this communication with Brittany (the new teacher). Kenzie doesn't quite understand that Ms. Brittany and Mommy are the only ones that are allowed to write in it, but I think that she will get the concept as the days go on. Also, they sent home a few things I thought I would share... KINDNESS PLEDGE I pledge to myself on this day, To try to be kind in every way. To every person, big and small, I will help them if they fall. When I love myself and others too, That is the best that I can do. WEATHER SONG Tune: Oh My Darlin' What's the weather like What's the weather like What's the weather like outside Is it sunny Is it cloudy Is it windy outside Is it rainy Is it snowy Is it...

happenings this day....

Well, I have good news... THEY FOUND MY CELL PHONE! It was found at New Washington Elementary in the parking lot, but was dead, so they couldn't do anything with it to find out who it belonged to. They are sending it home with Kenzie today! Yay! I am happy that it was found. Kenzie got up this morning and we got her dressed, but she was so excited when the bus pulled up that she had an accident and we had to change her while the bus waited for her. I was so proud of her for her level of excitement that I didn't even mind that she had had an accident. She got on the bus like a big girl and told me "Mommy, I will tell Brittany to send your phone home with me." I couldn't believe how grown up she is! She is such a doll(sometimes.). Madison is doing great. She is enjoying her breakfast now. I think I want to start teaching her baby sign language so that she can express herself a lot easier, but I don't know where to begin. Any suggestions??? I didn...

Is the bus comming????

Well, after Kenzie waking up at 4:30 yesterday morning ready to get ready for school, I got her up at 6:30 this morning thinking that the bus would be here after the teacher assured me on Thursday that it would be. I was shocked when not one, not two, but three busses came and went. None of them were Kenzie's bus. I then came inside and called the Transportation Department. After a few minutes of investigation, I found that the Transportation Department was under the impression that she still wasn't registered! I assured her that I registered her on Thursday and that I was informed that a bus should be here to get her today. She then called the bus driver who said that she was waiting on dispatch to call and tell her to start picking Kenzie up. So now that we have all that sorted out. I have a surprise for all of you. In waiting for the bus, I had a great photo op with Kenzie and I am editing the pics now and going to put them on here for you. So, no, the bus didn't show, ...

To Win a Battle Over the Devil

One of my patients over this past weekend really blessed me! She recited a poem to me that was written for her! I asked her permission to share it with all of you! She said it was fine. To win a battle over the devil gives one a good feeling inside, When he's temted you with your weakeness and you've been able to push him aside, When you've said "Get thee behind me satan you'll not use me like a toy, for greater is He that is in me and you're not gonna steal my joy!" I loved it and she told me who it was that wrote it. I want to say her name was Catherine Puckett. She has since passed on to a better life with Christ by her side. I just felt compelled to share this poem with you all.


As most of you know, I don't usually blog on Saturday nights, but I felt compelled to do this tonight because God is AWESOME!!! At work today, He was speaking to me. He was telling me that one of my patients needed to know that God was working miracles as we speak! After a lengthy conversation with her, I had come to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter if I make it to church because I take church with me wherever I go. The bible says to be Missionaries for God, that is exactly what I am doing and well, I didn't realize it until tonight, but I think that God has called me to be a missionary in the Nursing Home to these people who can't go to church. If you don't agree with this, tell me where in the bible it says that you have to go to church and be judged over what you wear in order to be saved. If it is there, I need someone to point it out. I know that in the bible it says to be saved to accept Jesus into your heart as your savior and then to minis...


Still can't find my phone. I have called the post office because we stopped in there, no luck. The police department hasn't had one turned in. The school office couldn't find it. The teacher hasn't seen it. I called the cellular store I bought it at and they are going to confiscate it if anyone comes in trying to sell it back. I will be having the teacher check through all of the toys Kenzie was playing with yesterday so that if it is found she can send it home with Kenzie from school on Monday. Other than that not much going on. I will update you more next week! Love, Dawn

Gulp..... I lost it....

I have not had a very productive day. Yes, I got Kenzie registered for preschool, but in the process, I lost my cell phone. I remeber the last time I used it was in Mom's van, so when I got home, I called the school teacher and office, neither had seen it. Mom is going to be searching her van for me. Kenzie is so excited that she will be starting school on Monday. She has been carrying her back pack around all day. Maddie was a little strange today. The pics will tell the story. And I guess that is about all that went on today. Instantly Kenzie became our little model. She loved posing today. I am just so happy that she likes this. She was ever so excited that we were getting ready to go register her for school. So she was willing to take pics. Hope you enjoy them. I took this picture the other day when Kenzie decided that she would dress herself. And asked Candice to do her hair. Then instantly she decided her name was "Sassyfrass" it was so cute. So, Maddie was...

Falling into place.

It would seem that everything is falling into place! I go to register Kenzie for preschool tomorrow and she starts Monday. We have a play date with Lindsey on friday at the Elementary school playground. Then Crystal is going to bring her kids over next week sometime for a second play date. Tiffany is looking at bringing hers over on Weds for a playdate, that would make three, and Holly wants to bring the boys over for a play date sometime after she gets out of school which is this month. Wow! Lots of kids. I guess that is about all the update for us right now. I will blog better tomorrow. Love, Dawn

Why Parents Drink

A Mother passing by her son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then she saw an envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow that was addressed to "Mom" With the worst premonition she opened the envelope with trembling hands and read the letter. Dear Mom,: It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Dad and you. I have been finding real passion with Stacy and she is so nice. But I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercings, tattoos, tight motorcycle clothes and the fact that she is much older than I am. But it's not only the passion...Mom she's pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children. Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't really hurt an...


Although I had a rough morning, I think that God was speaking to me. He told me that I needed to look at a bible study that I had done before about temptation. After doing this study with my sister, I can feel that God is teaching me a lesson about how Satan tempts us. I am so feeling better now.... I did talk to my mom tonight also, that has helped. I have talked her into helping me with making some decisions on some of the stuff I want to do with the house. She will also be letting me get the stuff that she was going to be using to remodel one of the bathrooms in this house so that I can do that soon. I can't wait to have some progress done on this place. I guess that I am making a list that will serve as my goals. As I get them done, I will mark them off and I will do before and after pics for everyone. I also will be changing the color of the shingles on the roof from black to brown. They are all the same price only the brown add curbside appeal. That helps with the sal...

Thank You!

I normally would blog about my family and the happenings in the house on that day or past weekend, but today, I feel like I need to blog a special thank you to someone very special to me. Years ago, before Ryan and I even started dating, one of my sisters(keep in mind all of my sisters are half sisters as my mom miscarried my only full blood sister, so when I refer to my sisters, you know what I am talking about) and I were best friends, then when I graduated from High School, I moved to St. Petersburg to be with her. Over the course of about 2 years we met a neighbor who in the end proved to cause us to split ways and Angel moved away and wouldn't try to contact me until she felt she was ready. After we reconnected, we learned that my best friend and that neighbor had fueled us against one another. Since then, we have been in contact on a daily basis. Her daughter, Lucky, is doing great. She is a senior in high school now. As you know I am married and have 2 kids whom she thinks t...

Which American Cities Best Fit You?

American Cities That Best Fit You: 75% Miami 70% Austin 70% San Diego 65% Honolulu 60% Seattle Which American Cities Best Fit You?

Bad Day!

It was not a good day at work. And I came home to nothing but stress! That is all for now!

The Meeting....

Hey guys. I got home from the Conference Committee meeting. Here in a nutshell is the results. * They will be sending a bus out startng 8/20/2007 for Kenzie to go to Preschool at New Washington Elementary School. *Kenzie qualifies for Speech Therapy. She will recieve this while at school. They will provide 180 minutes per week. *There will be like mentor kids to help Kenzie progress. *She will be going Monday thru Thursday. *She will be re evaluated by 6/1/2008 to see what they need to do for her for the year of Kindergarten. *They will do a test in the beginning of the school year and the end to see how she has progressed. It is called i.s.t.a.r. It is the preschool version of the ISTEP test that all other grades take. Indiana Standards Tool for Alternate Reporting. I have a brochure on it and if you want more information on it e mail me and I will type it in for you. *These are the basic sounds that Kenzie needs to master... k, g, f, th. These are the sounds that typical 4.5 ...

Blueberry Girls and more.....

I found out this morning that Maddie loves blueberries just like her sister! Kenzie had gone to the refrigerator and gotten a container out of the frige, they sat in the middle of the floor and ate and ate and ate! I should have known that Maddie would love them just like sissy does! And Kenzie thinks she has done a great job sharing with her sister. It is great. Yesterday we didn't have too much going on... We got up, had breakfast, played, and when Maddie went down for her nap, Candice and I worked on the Playroom. When she got up, I cooked dinner, and we ate. Then Candice and I went to the store. We needed to get the grocery shopping done, and boy did we do it... We saved almost $67 in store coupons with using the Jay C Card. I was so excited about this, but come to think of it, if I were to use coupons from the newspaper, wonder how much we would save. Tammy decided to bring the dog back, she said she thought that Angel missed Kenzie. So we pretty much decided to share the pup ...

How well do you cook?

You Are an Excellent Cook You're a top cook, but you weren't born that way. It's taken a lot of practice, a lot of experimenting, and a lot of learning. It's likely that you have what it takes to be a top chef, should you have the desire... Are You A Good Cook?

Only One Mother

Someone at work gave this to me and I wanted to share it with all of you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have... Only One Mother We can only have one mother, Patient, kind, and true. No other friend in all this world Will be so true to you; For all her loving kindness She asks nothing in return; If all the world deserts you To other you can turn. Many tears you’ve caused her When you were sad or ill, Maybe many sleepless nights, Though grown, you cause her still. So every time you leave her, Or when’er you come or go, Give her a kind word and a kiss, ‘Tis what she craves, I know. We can only have one mother, None else can take her place; You can’t tell how you’ll need her Till you miss her loving face. Be careful how you answer her, Choose every word you say, Remember, she’s your mother Now and every day. We can only have one mother, Oh, take her to your heart; You cannot tell how soon the time When you and she must part. Let her know you love her dearly, Cheer and comfort her each da...

Cox Family Happenings....

Last night Tammy came over along with Quinton (Q-tip) and Arajuana (Q-tip's girlfriend) for a visit since we haven't really seen them in a while. We really enjoyed visiting with us. Dustin, Q-tip, Tammy and I all reminisced about the things that happened when we were kids and the things we used to do. I heard about Q-tip being chased as a baby by a cyote! Scary! And Tammy and the boys removing the valve stem things from our father's truck... It was great visiting. I got in bed about 1:30 this morning. Today, Maddie has done great. She even started trying to sing to me. Kenzie keeps asking me when she gets to start going back to school. Joshua has been an absolute prince today. Dustin was off work so he and Candice just tried to relax most of the day. Ryan worked and now that we are all home, Ryan is going to help me set up the den to turn it into a playroom for the kids. See if we do this, Kenzie won't be waking Maddie up when she is napping from playing in...


Hey all! How are you? I had a rough weekend, but I did get the results for Kenzie's evaluations. I will post the results after the meeting.... on Friday. Ryan and Dustin both worked a long day today. Maddie was a little jealous of Joshua today. She didn't like me helping Candice with the baby so she showed me who was boss or atleast she thought she did.... lol... Kenzie decided to give her dog away today because she said that the dog is trying to bite her. So I gave it to my 1/2 sister who lives like 10 minutes from here. She is gonna train her and work with her and keep her near Kenzie. I thought it was so cute. She was like, "Mommy, please can Tammy take my doggy" it was sad but cute at the same time. I made a cake tonight just to make one, but I didn't like the icing that I decided to do, it was tooooooo rich. Anyway, I think that is about it, wait a sec, Kenzie locked Candice and Dustin out of their room! I guess it was pay back for them putting ...

Wow! We Finally Did It!

We haven't really been counting on closing this quickly since there were so many troubles with the appraisal, but in the end, we closed on the house today. I am so very happy for that. We are now home owners. I am so excited for the future that we have before us. I know that it is a long road, but I believe that God wouldn't have opened this window if He didn't have a plan for us. We have been working with Leslie from the mortgage place for quite some time and this past week, she called to say that the first lender backed out because there were problems with the appraisal, and that she had tried a couple of other lenders. Then Thursday evening, she called me back and told me that we are closing on the house Friday at 5:30pm. She gave me directions and when I asked why so soon if we were having issues with the appraisal, she said, she wanted to save us money. If we closed today, we didn't have to bring anything to the table, but if we waited and closed Monday or ...


I am seeking any and all prayer I can get for my sister in law. Her name is Amanda. I don't have very many details, but I know that she was rushed to the hospital. I will give you updates when I know something. I just would request prayer because she was supposed to be moving in about 1 week and 1/2 to Orlando from Dallas. I know that God has a plan that He will reveal in His time, but I would love to know that she is ok. Onto other things. Nothing new here really. Love, Dawn

Oh Happy Day!

Hello all! How are you? Well, I have good news and some not so good news.... I FIXED THE COMPUTER THAT ROY GAVE US WITH NO HELP! I am so proud of myself. I was able to take numerous viruses and other troubles off of here. And I have to give it to God! I was at my witts end last night and just started praying about it. Today, He gave me the wisdom to do a few things I hadn't thought of. I started taking programs off of the computer that we no longer use when I remembered that someone told me about irfanview. As soon as I put it on the computer is when I began having the troubles with it. When I uninstalled it, the computer crashed. I waited a few minutes before booting back up and then my antivirus stuff went to work and took 3 back door trojans off of the puter. I haven't had anymore trouble with it since. I thank God for that! My mother-in-law now thinks maybe I should take up a career in computers! I don't know about that. The bad news, the car is sputterin...