School- Day 2

Hey guys. Thought I would share some of the stuff that is going on with Kenzie at school, yesterday she brought home a picture that they had taken of her for her first day. They also have started a daily notebook that they fill out their portion and I fill out mine every night. I really like this communication with Brittany (the new teacher). Kenzie doesn't quite understand that Ms. Brittany and Mommy are the only ones that are allowed to write in it, but I think that she will get the concept as the days go on. Also, they sent home a few things I thought I would share...
I pledge to myself on this day,
To try to be kind in every way.
To every person, big and small,
I will help them if they fall.
When I love myself and others too,
That is the best that I can do.

Tune: Oh My Darlin'
What's the weather like
What's the weather like
What's the weather like outside
Is it sunny
Is it cloudy
Is it windy outside
Is it rainy
Is it snowy
Is it partly cloudy
What's the weather like
What's the weather like
What's the weather like outside?

I thought they were really cute. The other things they are doing this week are...
The theme for the week is Welcome to School
*The letter A
*Prewriting activities
*Days of the week
*Sorting by different attributes
*Numbers 1-10
*Learning new songs.

I am so glad that she is back in school. She loves it so much and Maddie is enjoying her "Mommy" time. Ryan has been doing good at work. Dustin and Candice have been staying with Tammy, they are acting suspicious, so I think they won't be back. But I think it is for the better. They were getting too comfortable having someone provide for them. I told them it wasn't going to continue and that is when they moved. I have been getting ideas for some of the home improvements that we need to do. I will keep you updated on the developments. I guess that does it for now. Talk to you soon!


  1. She is making leaps and bounds! Give her a big ol hug n kiss from her Auntie Angel!


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