happenings this day....
Well, I have good news... THEY FOUND MY CELL PHONE! It was found at New Washington Elementary in the parking lot, but was dead, so they couldn't do anything with it to find out who it belonged to. They are sending it home with Kenzie today! Yay! I am happy that it was found. Kenzie got up this morning and we got her dressed, but she was so excited when the bus pulled up that she had an accident and we had to change her while the bus waited for her. I was so proud of her for her level of excitement that I didn't even mind that she had had an accident. She got on the bus like a big girl and told me "Mommy, I will tell Brittany to send your phone home with me." I couldn't believe how grown up she is! She is such a doll(sometimes.). Madison is doing great. She is enjoying her breakfast now. I think I want to start teaching her baby sign language so that she can express herself a lot easier, but I don't know where to begin. Any suggestions??? I didn't do it with Kenzie so I know that I want to do it with Madison. The girls got a surprise from Yaya and Pappy yesterday (and Aunt Linda and Aunt Jan). They sent them some new clothes. Kenzie loved her new PANTIES! Yes the panties were her favorite to the extent that she packed them around everwhere with her. I am now trying to figure out all of the hiding places she has for them! I learned that if you want to win her heart, just get her some new panties and you will have a battle won! She also liked her new tennis shoes. She went through and had to try on all of the new clothes. And I think we have her outfit for school pictures picked out now. She loved the purple striped top and kneeknocker shorts. She said she wanted to wear it for school pics. I will have to post one when I get them done. Madison got a new jacket (which fits her perfectly thank you Jan), a peach sweater, a baby gap dress, a long sleeve onesie, and another bluejean dress (thank you Roy, Carol, and Linda) I tried on all of the stuff with her. The dresses are a little big, but she will grow. Ryan is doing good. He is really becomming a great grill master. We grill out about 2-3 times a week anymore. I guess that does it for now. Ta ta for now!
Kenzie is a hoot. I too like to carry Chris' boxers around...on my head....