
Well, I worked this weekend. I didn't reallly have a bad weekend. Although, Sunday was hard for me. I got pulled from the personal care unit to the brain injury unit. It was so hard to see them all in that shape. I am telling you, I just was emotionally drained by the time I left that unit 12 hours later... I then went to the unit I usually work to find two of the people working over there were just trying to upset me by forcing me on an assignment that I had never had. I just decided to do the good thing and take it with stride. I got the assignment done with no problem, then one of the two were having trouble with one on her assignment (which is the assignment I always have) so I told her that I would deal with the person. She said, no, you will need 4 people to deal with this person. I went in the room anyway, did what I had to do and got out with no trouble at all! When I told her and the supervisor, they neither one believed me! I mean, a lot of the time, it is the rappore that you build up that he patients react on. This person trusted me because I have worked with her in the past. Kenzie and Maddie went to Mom's this weekend and had a blast. Ryan had some time to himself. Then today, we got Kenzie off to school and while she was at school, it gave me time to get some pics of Maddie.... so here they are...

"I like books" and so I thought it was a cute time to get pics of her!

And here, she is reading to me! It was so cute. Yes Carol, that is the book you sent her for her birthday.... It plays the birthday song! So cute to see her finally interacting with it!

"Look Mommy, My Book!" She decided she would try and share the book with me. She is growing up so fast! And I can't believe that she is already 15 months old! She is such a big girl now. And we go to the doctors on Sept. 6 for her 15 month appointment. "Mommy, this is how you read a book" and so she teaches me also!

I have decided to start teaching her baby sign language. I will keep you updated on how this goes. I have to send out a big thank you to Beth for the link she sent me for teaching baby signlanguage. I sure do hope she catches on like Isabella has!

Other than that, not much going on. I will post again when we have somthing more to say!


Ryan, Dawn, Kenzie, Maddie and Angel


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