Better Day
Today has been a better day. I didn't have all the stress that I had yesterday. I got a few things done like the rest of the tweaks on my computer. Kenzie was home from school today. She doesn't go on Fridays. Maddie and Kenzie enjoyed a good healthy game of chase in the house today. It was so funny, Kenzie would run to a room and there goes Maddie squealing and chasing her at the same time, then they decided to get Mommy involved, so Maddie would run toward me and I would jet to another area in the room. She thought it was so funny. Among other things, I got another large group of pics put on the Kodak. I am trying to get all of my pics put there for back up reasons. I lost a ton of pics when this computer crashed, but that is ok. I have a lot of them on myspace and on this blog, so if I need to see them, they are available. Thank goodness I had put all of my cakes on myspace and here because I don't have those anymore. It is sad, but like I said, I have them somewhere. Ryan had a good day at work and came home with a huge headache, but if that is the least of his worries, he is doing good. Dustin finally came and got his dog. I did take two pics of him so that I would have them. I am glad for the dog that he is gone now because I felt bad for him that I couldn't spend more time with him. I also feel sorry for him because I fear that he won't be properly taken care of. I talked to Angel today. She is not feeling well. She is down in her health and then her daughter (17 years old) doesn't help matters. She is being a teenager, but knows when her mom needs her. And I will leave it at that. I have also managed to with Angel's help figure out where some of the issues in my life are comming from. It is simple. Satan is attacking me and Angel because I am helping her to come back to God and I am becomming stronger in the Lord. I know that this will pass, but it is so hard right now. And I guess that does it for tonight. Lots of Love!
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