Wow! We Finally Did It!

We haven't really been counting on closing this quickly since there were so many troubles with the appraisal, but in the end, we closed on the house today. I am so very happy for that. We are now home owners. I am so excited for the future that we have before us. I know that it is a long road, but I believe that God wouldn't have opened this window if He didn't have a plan for us. We have been working with Leslie from the mortgage place for quite some time and this past week, she called to say that the first lender backed out because there were problems with the appraisal, and that she had tried a couple of other lenders. Then Thursday evening, she called me back and told me that we are closing on the house Friday at 5:30pm. She gave me directions and when I asked why so soon if we were having issues with the appraisal, she said, she wanted to save us money. If we closed today, we didn't have to bring anything to the table, but if we waited and closed Monday or Tuesday, we would have to bring an entire month of interest to the table. That was not fiesable, so we closed today and all is good. I am sitting here enjoying a Mikes Hard Lemonade, which I don't do often, but I thought that the close on the house was enough to allow myself to drink one. I don't drink on a regular basis... I mean it has been probably almost 2 years since I had anything with alcohol in it. I could take it or leave it, but sometimes, I enjoy a MHL. Kenzie is doing well. She is missing her friends from her old school. Her teacher Amanda Monroe called to check on her today and said for us to keep in touch... Maddie is doing really well. Growing like a weed. I have to load all the pics on my camera to the computer and then order prints so that I can clear the memory card. Dustin and Candice filled it up when they had the baby and I haven't cleared it since. Ryan is doing good. Angel is getting used to all of us. And I work this weekend, so I will be going to bed in about an hour. Talk to you all next week!


  1. I am so glad all that is over. I am telling you, I was about to pack my oxygen and cart my arse up there and wring someone's neck!

    You know who.

    Congrads Sissy the home owner!


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