Thank You!

I normally would blog about my family and the happenings in the house on that day or past weekend, but today, I feel like I need to blog a special thank you to someone very special to me. Years ago, before Ryan and I even started dating, one of my sisters(keep in mind all of my sisters are half sisters as my mom miscarried my only full blood sister, so when I refer to my sisters, you know what I am talking about) and I were best friends, then when I graduated from High School, I moved to St. Petersburg to be with her. Over the course of about 2 years we met a neighbor who in the end proved to cause us to split ways and Angel moved away and wouldn't try to contact me until she felt she was ready. After we reconnected, we learned that my best friend and that neighbor had fueled us against one another. Since then, we have been in contact on a daily basis. Her daughter, Lucky, is doing great. She is a senior in high school now. As you know I am married and have 2 kids whom she thinks the world of. Now today, I was having a bad day and if it wasn't for my sister, I probably would still be having that same day. I learned some things that bothered me and she was here to be my shoulder to cry on. Although she is many miles away, she is here via telephone, blogger, myspace, and msn messanger. I really appreciate her just being an ear. Thanks a billion. You don't know how much that means to me.
Now for some of the other stuff. Kenzie is getting even more excited about going to school next week. We are going around putting together outfits for her to wear to school for the first week. It is so cute. She is really doing a great job being a big sister to Maddie. Angel is doing ok(the dog that is). After I made that cake, Tammy has yet to pick it up. It is starting to upset me about that. I put all that time into the making of that cake. I also had my oven go out. So, I have a call out to Ilean who's daughter is going to check prices on a scratch and dent gas stove for me. I would like to update it rather than just fix the one in there because it is so old, it is probably needing to be replaced. Also by doing it that way, I won't need to replace it before I sell the house. We are looking at some options there. Mom wanted me to fix the house and resell so that I can get the gift of equity in cash. That would be nice. I will keep you all updated and take pics as I do things in the house.
I will update more later.


  1. Thank you Sis.
    I know we both said that we wished it never happened but, if all was well, we'd never have your beautiful little girls.

    Love you!
    I am so happy your back and you brighten up my days!
    Sissy Angel!


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