Crazy Lady!!!

"Mommy, what are you doing?" asked Kenzie as Maddie looked at me with wondering eyes... "I am cleaning some things up for Yaya and Pappy to come see you" I replied. "Oh, can I help?" Kenzie replied... "Sure, Kenzie, you can help by playing with sissy and cleaning your toys up" I told her. "No, Mommy, I am not a CRAZY LADY! I want to help YOU!" she said. So that is what she is into now. So as I wash the dishes, she puts them on the table after they have been dried, really causing me a little more work, but I don't mind. She wants to help and I let her. When I sweep, she sweeps and I sweep again. Same thing when I mop.... Then we move on to some of the other little things I want done like the vacuuming, and she runs.... She is afraid of the vacuum... Then on to dusting... Which she loves! When I start dusting, she takes over... She even helps with the laundry! I am so fortunate to have a little helper in her! I am so happy that she isn't a rebelliouse teenager yet! LOL! She is only 4 I will give her time! Maddie on the other hand wants to watch and then nap and then chase Kenzie then eat and start the process all over again! She is a hoot. Although, my mom is worried that she needs special shoes because her toes point in a little when she walks. I don't notice it much, but I will keep an eye on her, and then if I notice it getting worse, I will call the orthopedic doctor again and see what he says... She is growing up so fast. It is hard to believe that she is already 15 months old. Ryan is doing good. He is going to a U of L game of some sort tonight. I will have to get the info from him later. He loves going to any and all sports things that he can and his friend Ty was able to get tickets tonight... So, he gave one to Ryan. I am sure he will have a blast. Angel is doing great! I think we are about to nip the nibbling on us in the bud. She isn't doing it as much now that she is getting older and learning that it isn't acceptable. She is also not going potty in the house anymore... She had a few accidents in the beginning, but she was a brand new pup, so that is to be expected. Now, she knows that she goes outside and when she goes poop outside, she gets a treat! She is such a trooper. I am doing well as well. I have some samples on the way of countertops. I decided to pick a countertop for the kitchen and we will select our paint color from that, then in time when I have the extra cash, I will get new countertops put in. I think it will work very well that way. And when I do the new countertops, I will do a new backsplash in the kitchen. I want to update the kitchen as much as possible in the first few years of being here so that when we decide to sell, we have a great selling point. Since after all curb appeal, and the kitchen are the two main sellers of a house. I will be working on getting that bathroom floor done asap and I am going to talk to a few people I know to see what they would charge to do it for me. If I can get a cheap price, then I will take the help you better believe it. By the way, if any of you have any ideas for remodeling for me, feel free to share them. I know I need to go to a model home or two to see what the new homes are decorated like, but I also want to add my own touch to it also. Anyway, I guess that is all for now. I will post again when Kenzie gets home from school to let you know how that went today.


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