Busy Day!!
Today has been a very busy day. Kenzie and I decided to finish doing the play room (which will have to be painted later on). I have pics, and I will be putting them in here when I upload to the computer next. I want to have a bunch on the camera before I upload since I find it useless to waste my time for three pics. I will put them in here at a later date. Hope you understand. I also found out what she wants "Santa" to bring her for Christmas. She is asking for a desk and chalkboard. I think that I will be able to accomodate that for her. I will do anything that she wants if it is soemthing she can use as a learning tool. She also told me that Maddie wants "Santa" to bring her a bookshelf for all of their books since they don't have one at the present time. In addition to all of that, we decided that she wants me to turn the area where the stove used to be downstairs into a stage. I am thinking about that one. It is big enough for the two girls, but I don't know if I want to do that. I was able to find out some very interesting information about an accelerated equity program through our mortgage company. I think I like that idea. Ryan and I are discussing it now. I like the idea of paying bi weekly and saving tons of money from interest that we wouldn't pay. We would pay off our loan in like 22 years verses 30. We will pray about it and then see where God leads us. Angel has done very well today. She knows now that she can't do certain things, and she is doing much better. Ryan worked and came home then grilled out, and watched wresteling. He also donated blood yesterday. I wasn't really aware of this until I found the t shirt they gave him for donating. I also did some laundry, and unpacked the boxes that were stored under the staircase. Yes I have a "cupboard" under the stairs like in the Harry Potter books, but no, no one sleeps there! LOL! I did some bible studying. I did a over the phone session with Sis. She needed God at the instant I was on the phone with her, so we did our thing while I was on the phone. I read a blog on one of my friend's myspace pages which led to me sending Aaron a message to debate the subject. I will keep you updated on this. Lemme tell you Aaron and I have been friends off and on for years. When I moved from St. Pete to Clearwater, I lost contact with him and only just gained that line of friendship back via God telling me to look on myspace for him. I found him almost instantly. Since then, I have been reading his blogs. He is quite the christian. He does a column then puts it in his blog. I really do enjoy a good debate with him. I have to work tomorrow and sunday. I will keep everyone updated as to next week as it happens since Roy and Carol are comming over from Florida for a visit. I can't wait. I love it when they are in town. It is so nice to see them. I love for the girls to get to see them since they are so far away from us. I just wish there was a way that they could see Derrick, Amanda, Riley and Shelby more often. And I guess that does it for me. Pictures will come later, I am getting tired.
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