Well, after Kenzie waking up at 4:30 yesterday morning ready to get ready for school, I got her up at 6:30 this morning thinking that the bus would be here after the teacher assured me on Thursday that it would be. I was shocked when not one, not two, but three busses came and went. None of them were Kenzie's bus. I then came inside and called the Transportation Department. After a few minutes of investigation, I found that the Transportation Department was under the impression that she still wasn't registered! I assured her that I registered her on Thursday and that I was informed that a bus should be here to get her today. She then called the bus driver who said that she was waiting on dispatch to call and tell her to start picking Kenzie up. So now that we have all that sorted out. I have a surprise for all of you. In waiting for the bus, I had a great photo op with Kenzie and I am editing the pics now and going to put them on here for you. So, no, the bus didn't show, but Kenzie was ok with it after a few minutes of crying. She wanted so bad to go to school. It was not a happy morning in my house because of the no school bus thing, but I think Kenzie will be ok with it shortly. Anyway, I will go to edit the pics and be back on here when I get them done since I got about 20 it should take a while to edit then decide which ones to use! And now I am having issues with loading my photo editing software! This is really gonna take a while, but I promise the end result will be beautiful!

"Mommy I am patiently waiting for my school bus." this is what I call this picture. She was such a good sport of waiting for her bus. I loved taking all the pics of her too.
She is so beautiful. I just had to take advantage of the natural props we have in our yard. Therefore the tree shots!

"Daddy I love you, but go to work already!" Kenzie had a blast waking Daddy up for work. It was the frist time she had been able to do this! I am sure she will repeat this many days to come!

"Mom, now I am getting serious. School bus, get here please!" Is the new title of this look. She was getting a little worried here... She had saw 2 of the 3 busses that weren't hers taking kids to school and was about ready to cry I am sure.

Watching up and down the road for the bus. Still getting more anxious....

Mommy, I love waiting for the bus, but I wish it would come on already...

"I caught you taking pics of me Mom!"
Miss Priss!

I loved this shot because she was being so goofy! It actually looked like she was doing a potty dance, although, she doesn't do those! She simply RUNS to the bathroom yelling "I GOTTA PEE!"

My happy girl! I love you so much Kenzie, you will never know! I know this was hard for you to wait for the bus and it to not come, but you did great! You are such a special little girl, and I know that you will do fine! Can't wait for tomorrow already! You are going around the house trying to pick out the school clothes for tomorrow and it isn't even 10am yet! Love you so much baby girl (although you are my big girl now, you will always be my first baby girl!) Love, Mommy

And again, she is happy and sitting on the steps!

Such a beautiful smile! Love it!

Mom, are you sure my bus is comming???

"I am getting really nervous now. I don't think the bus will come for me."

"I love posing for you Mommy!"

Comming back outside to look some more for her bus. :(

I couldn't resist this pic!

My big girl standing in front of the tree again. She was such a great waiter!
Now that all of that is done, you can see what I did this morning, and , no I didn't get to take a nap when the bus didn't show. Poor me! I really needed that nap, oh well, I will sleep good tonight! I will update all of you more later.
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