
Showing posts from September, 2007


Hey all. Today hasn't been a very interesting day in the Cox house. The girls woke up, we had breakfast, then went for a walk. We came home. While playing Maddie walked up to me and started cuddling saying NINININININI. I took this to mean she wanted a nap. I got her a sippy of water. Then laid her in her crib. She laid down, drank her cup, threw the cup out of the crib, took her pants off, then crashed. two hours later, she was still napping. Wow! She must have really been tired. Kenzie on the other hand has been a little hellian. She wouldn't do her chores. I even threatened to e mail and call santa and tell him to give her v smile to someone who was a good girl, she said "Daddy will buy me one" and that was that. Ryan went to Maxx's house after work. That is about it. Now for last night, I LOVED GRAYS ANATAMY SO MUCH THAT I HAD TO WATCH IT A SECOND TIME ON THE COMPUTER TODAY while Maddie napped! Loved it! Was great! Can't wait for next ...

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, My name is Kenzie. I have a little sister named Madison. I call her Maddie. I try and be a good girl, but sometimes, I break the rules. When I do, I have to sit in the thinking chair. When my time out is over, I tell Mommy I am sorry. For Christmas this year, please bring me a V Smile game system with a Cinderella game. I really like Cinderella. I know that it is a big gift, but Santa, I try really hard to be a good girl, and although sometimes I make mistakes, all in all I am a good big sister. I think Maddie would really love the V Smile Baby Game System. I think she could really learn from it. I also think that the V Smile system will help me with the Letter and Number Recognition that Mrs. Brittany tells Mommy that we need to work on. I will write you again closer to Christmas to tell you how much I love you and what I want to give to Mommy and Daddy for Christmas. Love, Kenzie Cox


I will have to admit that I was wrong and Ryan was right! Yes I know ladies, I admit that a man is right for once. Ryan taught me that ebay is much more affordable than buying direct from the store. Take for example the girls christmas. We researched what we want to get for them including shipping, there are several of the same item some with more accessories, that would cost me less to have delivered than if I went to the store and bought it myself. Wow! Thanks Ry! I now know that I will be shopping on e bay in addition to some of the other stores in person for christmas this year. In other news, Kenzie woke up this morning very upset because of the thunder storm we were having. We really needed the rain, but I didn't need a 4 year old who was shaking so bad that I had to dress her, pack her to the bathroom so she could potty, and pack her to the bus. She was literally shaking like a leaf! Poor Baby! I felt so sorry for her. We gave her to option to stay home and cudd...

Maddie did it!

I was running around the house doing a few things as Maddie took her nap. When she woke up, I simply went to her room to get her out of the crib when I found that not only had she taken her pants off, but she managed to get her shirt off too! The little stinker! She is just growing so fast. I want to slow her down, but I know that she has to grow up at some point. In other news, Kenzie took her "homework" to school and Mrs. Brittany called her to her desk and then put a happy face on it and told her what a good job that she had done. I was so happy that the teacher is feeding into her desire to do homework. She loves it. Ryan has been doing ok. He hasn't had much going on other than work and Fantasy Football. CONGRATS RYAN ON DEMOLISHING YOUR DAD! (Roy, I had to!) I am trying to decide colors for some of the other rooms in the house and make lists of what to get for everyone for christmas. It should be interesting... We are going to Florida this year for Christmas, so we ...


You Are an Ice Cream Cake Surprising, unique, and high maintenance. You're one of a kind, and you don't want anyone to forget it. You're fun in small doses, but it's easy for people to overdose on you! What Kind of Cake Are You?


At my request, Mrs Brittany sent home homework for Kenzie to do. So, we started working on "homework" today and Kenzie loves it! She let me make letters out of dots and she traced them. She did her name 5 times, all of the abc's and the numbers 1-10. I really was surprized at how good she tolerated sitting there and doing something constructive, but since I told her that Mrs. Brittany said for her to do her homework, she did it with no problems. I also took some pics that I thought you might like. So, here they are. "Mommy, I love doing my home work. It is fun!" She really enjoyed doing this! She didn't want to quit. I had to make her stop because I didn't want her to get to where she didn't want to do it anymore. I had to show you this one. It as just too goofy! Crazy hair Kenzie! She had so much fun having me do her hair the other day and here was the results! Crazy Hair! I have named this picture the "Barbie Bicycle riding ballerina p...

Crazy Weekend at work...

Let me see, where to begin??? How about Saturday... When I got to work, Polly (the weekend supervisor) asked me if I would mind going to work in the brain injury unit instead of the one I was scheduled for. I went because I knew that I didn't like the unit I was scheduled for for first shift. When I got to Pathways, the nurses said, "You will be behavior tech on Life Skills today." I though, Oh My Gosh! I had never done that, but it was not an 8hr shift. Instead it was a 12 hour shift, locked on a unit with people who are known to have behavior problems. On a normal basis, they will only put someone they have formally trained to be a bt over there. Not saturday. At about 2pm, Polly came over and said that Kim had called off for Sunday too, and would I do the first 8 hours of my day on that unit again for Sunday. I said I would do that, then on Sunday, she conned me into staying over there for the next four hours also. Let me tell you by the time I got home on Su...

For all the moms!

BEFORE I WAS A MOM.... Before I was a MomI never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations. Before I was a Mom -I had never been puked on. Pooped on. Chewed on. Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night. Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so doctors could dotests. Or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep. Before I was a MomI never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom. Before I was a Mom -I didn't know the feeling of having my heart out...

Hmmmm quite the day... yesterday was....

We had such an (for the lack of a better word) interesting day yesterday. Kenzie and I overslept and she just made the bus. Not good! She was off her routine. So, I e mailed Mrs. Brittany to give her the heads up that we had overslept and I didn't get the folder in the backpack. She appreciated the heads up. So, until right about 11am, I thought things were going ok. She e mailed me and said that Kenzie had needed to sit in the thinking chair for not following directions, throwing toys, running in the classroom. It was completely not Kenzie at school yesterday. In addition to that she started crying when she got there wanting mommy. After they told her she was at school and after school she would go home to mommy, she was fine. Then right before she left school, she didn't make it to the bathroom in time, which is again unlike her! She came home in a different pair of jeans and panties. She doesn't have accidents like that anymore, I wonder what is going on wit...

Not a lot happening...

We don't have much going on here. Same old stuff different day! Hope all is well with all of you. Kenzie has been going to school. She loves it. Maddie is getting a bit tempremental here in the last few days. Angel is Angel and I think I may have found a home for her. Kenzie is so scared of her that I have to get rid of her. I hate to do it, but I can't have my children deathly afraid of thier pet. Ryan has been doing good at work. We found out that work will pay for him to go to Physical Therapy school and me to License Practical Nurse school. We are really thinking about it. It would definately help with money. And, we would only have to guarantee that we would stay with the company for an additional year. I have been there for 6 years now and Ryan 4, so I don't see us going anywhere anytime soon. I like the company, I just feel like I am sort of stuck if I continue just being a cna. I will be looking into seeing if Ivy Tech is on the approved list of scho...

Our week.

We took the girls to Lanesville Heritage Weekend in Lanesville, Indiana on Friday night. I got a few pics. Kenzie had so much fun and she surprised me! She go on the tilt a wirl with me. Then I rode the Carousel with her and Ryan rode with Maddie. Then we split up. I took Maddie in her Stroller with Mom and Pop and Ryan took Kenzie for another ride. After they got back with us, I learned that she rode the SCRAMBLER! Ryan said she loved it! He said she was laughing and having so much fun that she pee'd everwhere! I couldn't get upset with her because it was a true accident, but she was so upset about it that we left and came on home. She told me "Mommy, I ride with daddy, I laugh, I pee, Daddy run out of tickets!" It was so cute that she could put it all together like that. So now on to the pics... I tried taking several pics of them on the Carousel, but htis is the only one that came out. I thought it would work. She really didn't care about it. She was just li...

Lots of mentionables... Be prepared for pics!!!

Today, we have lots going on! Kenzie brought home several things from school. One was where she had cut and pasted her name in order K E N Z I E. One was a picture of her with a cut out of an apple with her name below her. One was a cut out of the letter A. One was a newsletter from Mrs Brittany. In a nut shell it said: This week (that would be next week) they will concentrate on Family and community! Here are the suggested things for us to conversate with her: *What did you read today? *What was the story about? *Who are the people in our family? *What are some of the things that our family does together? The suggested home activties are: *Letter Hunt *Morning Routine (the newsletter gives details about each activity that I have chosen not to put here.) The note from the teacher is this: "Dear Parents, We are learning about our families. Please send in photos that can be cut. The can include: Parens, siblings, pets, grandparents." I have gone through the ones that I have pri...

Changes being made....

Hi everyone. Hope things are going well for all of you. I know that things have been kind of rocky for me and Ryan here. We have had some developments (that I care not go into detail about). Those developments prompted me to make some changes. I have already made many of you aware of those changes. I will continue changing things over the next few weeks, so be prepared to know about those. I will be making my blog private, so if you want to continue being able to see what is going on with the girls, please e mail me at (this is my junk e mail and I don't check it very much, so please be patient). In order to go private, I have to list the people who I want to be able to read my blog by e mail addresses, so you will have to provide me with the e mail address that you will be viewing my blog from. Thanks for understanding. Now on to other things.... We are making changes in the house. As you saw from yesterday, we painted the kitchen. When we fin...

As promised...

Hello everyone. Kenzie here. I thought now would be a good time to put another blog in. Mommy doesn't let me on the computer much, but I wanted to share some pictures with all of you. And here I had put all of my barrettes in my hair for Yaya and Pappy. They were comming to see me and I wanted to look "pretty". We ate dinner after they got here, and Yaya and I did dishes. I have now started helping Mommy do the dishes after we eat everyday. I really like helping Mommy. It is fun! While I was helping Yaya and Mommy paint in the kitchen, Pappy sat in the living room on our new couch (Thank you Aunt Jan) and talked to "Uncle" Maxx and Daddy. My Daddy's friend "Uncle" Maxx came to help arrange furniture and talked to Daddy and Pappy when they were done with the furniture thing while Mommy, Yaya and I painted in the kitchen. Mommy has been looking at samples for the countertops even though she knows it will be a while before she can have them...

Wow! What a week!

As many of you know we had our family in from Ohio and Florida this past week. It was a busy weekend! I still had to work, but that was ok. Roy and Carol got here on Thursday evening. I had started painting the kitchen, she helped me finish it. Now all I have to do it to pick up the border that I want, and it will be finished! I can't wait. I know that it will be a couple of weeks before I go and get the border because I am now satisfied with the paint color in the kitchen. Carol used a rented carpet machine since it was stronger than mine and shampoo'd the carpets. I scrubbed the kitchen floor with the help of Ryan. Roy and Ryan worked outside raking the yard, picking up leaves, pressure washing the house, cleaning out gutters, the breezway was finally cleaned up and Roy even got the deck pressure washed. The previous renters, had let the place go, so it needed some tender loving care, which we all gave it this past week. Grandma came in from Ohio on Friday evening...

A Glimpse into my day...

Just thought you might like a glimpse into what my day has been like so far... Forgive the unprofessional photos of the house, but, I thought you might like before and afters. I started the kitchen earlier, and now I am waiting for Ryan to get home so that he can help me get the area's that I am too short to reach. No joking there please, I know I am vertically challenged... I don't need any puns about that... Anyway, in addition to that I got a few snapshots of the girls... And without further ado, here they come.. Would you look at that! We have baby Linus! She enjoyed carrying her red fleece poncho around with her today! And I couldn't resist the photo op! She is such a cutie... Little Miss Jealousy! She got jealous because I was taking pics of her sister and not her! I had to take a couple of her just so that she would be happy. So I admit, one came out great! Look Mom, I can wear it too! I put it on her and she thought she was the most amazing creature on eart...


Well, we all got off to a not so good start. Ryan got off to work ok, but then, Kenzie and I fell back asleep and I didn't hear the alarm go off. She missed the school bus. So she stayed home with me. It was ok because we didn't know what time Roy and Carol would be here and well, she hasn't been feeling real good anyway. Batteling with her allergies just like I am. She got some well needed sleep and if I hadn't woke her up at like 8:30, she would have slept even longer, but I wanted her to be sure she went to bed on time tonight. I called in a claim to my home warranty company yesterday, so they came out and fixed the leak in the basement today. Thank you Mom for getting me the warranty. I was going to pay for it, but she decided that that would be her housewarming present to us. I really appreciate it. I am finding that yes, AMANDA, you were right. It is well worth it! I will continue buying them annually. I really like the plan I have! Right as the plu...

Happy Be Lated Birthday to me!

Yes, that is right. I finally got my birthday present from Mom. She had promised me that for my birthday, she would take me to Derby Dinner Playhouse. So, I called her last week and told her I wanted to go see the performance called Sing Hallelujah! and she got me a reservation for tonight. Let me tell you it was great! If you have the chance, go see it. We had a great meal, awesome entertainment, which was centered around a church setting. And dessert was great too. I had cheesecake, Mom had the chocolate peanut butter cream pie (which was so good. I had a taste of it) and her friend Hilda had Hummingbird cake (or pie I can't remember, but she had me try it, and it also was a great dessert). So then after the show, Ryan picked me up and we were off to Walmart to get paint so that I can start painting the kitchen tomorrow. I was a little bummed out when I couldn't get the red I wanted, but I settled for a color called Paprika. It is a lighter more orangy color than I originally...

happenings in the cox house

Well, we didn't do anything special for Labor Day since Ryan had to work, but that is ok. The kids hung out while I stressed about our family comming in from out of state later this week. So I have started the major washing of the baseboards and scrubbing stains that the other peeps left in the carpet before we bought the house not to mention I picked the color for the kitchen and I think I have decided that when I get home from Derby Dinner Playhouse tomorrow night, I will do the masking tape around the baseboards, outlets, windows, and paint in the kitchen as late as possible hopefully having it done before I go to bed. I will definately post pics as I do the project. I will be so happy when I have the kitchen done. I will feel like the house is really mine. I have chosen a color called Chili Pepper. It is a really nice red. Kenzie went to school happily today like always and came home with a note in her folder stating that she was the FIRST to learn ALL of her friends nam...

my weekend...

This weekend was interesting... I took the car both days which is a rarity... I usually dont' take it on Sunday's because I don't like to drive on less than 5 hours sleep. But this weekend, I felt surprizingly able to do it. I didn't have any trouble out of it. My troubles were at work and it was not fun... I was doing ok until 3 pm yesterday when they pulled on of our cna's to another unit, then it all went downhill from there to the extent that we didn't think we would get our 1/2 hour lunch breaks... when I finally was able to take one, I decided it wouldn't me for nourishment in the form of food, but nourishment in the form of a talk with God. I basically had a moment to revamp with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. Then was able to go back to the floor feeling like a different person. I could have gone to the chapel for this time, but I went instead to the break room not even remembering about the chapel. I only had one thing on my mind and that was time wit...