
Well, we all got off to a not so good start. Ryan got off to work ok, but then, Kenzie and I fell back asleep and I didn't hear the alarm go off. She missed the school bus. So she stayed home with me. It was ok because we didn't know what time Roy and Carol would be here and well, she hasn't been feeling real good anyway. Batteling with her allergies just like I am. She got some well needed sleep and if I hadn't woke her up at like 8:30, she would have slept even longer, but I wanted her to be sure she went to bed on time tonight. I called in a claim to my home warranty company yesterday, so they came out and fixed the leak in the basement today. Thank you Mom for getting me the warranty. I was going to pay for it, but she decided that that would be her housewarming present to us. I really appreciate it. I am finding that yes, AMANDA, you were right. It is well worth it! I will continue buying them annually. I really like the plan I have! Right as the plumber was here fixing the leak, I faintly hear a doorbell, and Pop was here to pick up the bikes that Dustin left behind and the two wood burning stoves that we weren't allowed to use due to home owners insurance purposes. So, I had to put Maddie in her crib to help him. Let me tell you, that was a job! One of them was a cast iron one! It must have weighed 500 pounds. In the mean time, Kenzie was playing on her swingset to stay out of our way because she saw we were having a little difficulty, when out of no where, I hear a scream, Kenzie had fallen and scuffed up her knee again! So we took a break to fix the boo boo. Then back to putting stoves on the trailer for Pop to get back to work. I also was able to talk to him about the roof. He said as soon as we have the funds together for it, that he will come and quote us and then he will cut me a deal on it! Thank you Pop! We are now pondering the thought of starting the kitchen. I was thinking about painting it before Carol and Roy get here, but I am unsure now. I will make my decision very soon! Now I am off to work on tidying up Kenzie's room. I will chat when I can!


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