Hey all. Today hasn't been a very interesting day in the Cox house. The girls woke up, we had breakfast, then went for a walk. We came home. While playing Maddie walked up to me and started cuddling saying NINININININI. I took this to mean she wanted a nap. I got her a sippy of water. Then laid her in her crib. She laid down, drank her cup, threw the cup out of the crib, took her pants off, then crashed. two hours later, she was still napping. Wow! She must have really been tired. Kenzie on the other hand has been a little hellian. She wouldn't do her chores. I even threatened to e mail and call santa and tell him to give her v smile to someone who was a good girl, she said "Daddy will buy me one" and that was that. Ryan went to Maxx's house after work. That is about it. Now for last night, I LOVED GRAYS ANATAMY SO MUCH THAT I HAD TO WATCH IT A SECOND TIME ON THE COMPUTER TODAY while Maddie napped! Loved it! Was great! Can't wait for next week. I also watched ER which I don't do, I may have to tune in since I am liking it! I guess that does it.
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