Wow! What a week!
As many of you know we had our family in from Ohio and Florida this past week. It was a busy weekend! I still had to work, but that was ok. Roy and Carol got here on Thursday evening. I had started painting the kitchen, she helped me finish it. Now all I have to do it to pick up the border that I want, and it will be finished! I can't wait. I know that it will be a couple of weeks before I go and get the border because I am now satisfied with the paint color in the kitchen. Carol used a rented carpet machine since it was stronger than mine and shampoo'd the carpets. I scrubbed the kitchen floor with the help of Ryan. Roy and Ryan worked outside raking the yard, picking up leaves, pressure washing the house, cleaning out gutters, the breezway was finally cleaned up and Roy even got the deck pressure washed. The previous renters, had let the place go, so it needed some tender loving care, which we all gave it this past week. Grandma came in from Ohio on Friday evening. I worked the weekend. Then today, Roy and Carol put Kenzie on the bus and stayed here until after they went home. I do really appreciate the help they gave us, but lemme tell you, I was getting stressed out for a couple of days. I know that they just left, but as Ryan says, it seems wierd in the house without them. We miss them already. Kenzie was such a big girl when they left that I cried. My baby is growing up... She stood in the yard holding my hand waving as they went out of sight and then declared "It's ok Mommy. Yaya and Pappy will be back!" I couldn't help but cry because she is getting to be such a big girl. Maddie is doing well. She went to her doctor's appointment on Friday, and well, the LITTLE STINKER doesn't weight 20 pounds yet. She is so close. I asked the doctor about that and she said "I am not worried about her. She is at a healthy weight for her height." so with the doctor saying that I am not worried. Not to mention that she is only 2 ounces shy of 20 pounds. She did prescribe an epipen jr for Maddie just in case since she had an allergic reaction to Honey Nut Cheerios. I have learned how to use it, and so I feel really comfortable with doing it. Other than that nothing going on with her. Ryan is himself. He is at the store right now, so I decided to take advantage of the few minutes I could blog. I am just here. I am a little upset about a few things, but I know with time, God will reveal why things happen the way they do. Hopefullly I will start feeling like myself again. Kenzie has her school pics tomorrow, so when I can, I will upload some pics that were taken when everyone was in town.
Lots of Love,
Lots of Love,
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