Crazy Weekend at work...
Let me see, where to begin??? How about Saturday... When I got to work, Polly (the weekend supervisor) asked me if I would mind going to work in the brain injury unit instead of the one I was scheduled for. I went because I knew that I didn't like the unit I was scheduled for for first shift. When I got to Pathways, the nurses said, "You will be behavior tech on Life Skills today." I though, Oh My Gosh! I had never done that, but it was not an 8hr shift. Instead it was a 12 hour shift, locked on a unit with people who are known to have behavior problems. On a normal basis, they will only put someone they have formally trained to be a bt over there. Not saturday. At about 2pm, Polly came over and said that Kim had called off for Sunday too, and would I do the first 8 hours of my day on that unit again for Sunday. I said I would do that, then on Sunday, she conned me into staying over there for the next four hours also. Let me tell you by the time I got home on Sunday night, I thought I needed to be admitted into a psych ward. Those people without understanding what they had done, had driven me completely nuts! I couldn't believe how easy it was for them to do. Maddie had a good weekend. Ryan said she just walked around the house yelling my name! She missed Mommy! Kenzie was a good girl he said. They did a great job staying home with Daddy. This is the first weekend they both have been ok and knew that Mommy would come home after she got off of work. Today, Kenzie got up and got ready for school no problems. She got on the bus and off to school she went. When she got home, she said, "Mommy, I didn't sit in the thinking chair and Mrs. Brittany is happy!" I took this to mean that she didn't have a bad day today like she did on Thursday. At about 4pm, I was working on a few things, and saw my e mail notification thing pop up, so I checked to see what I had. It was from Brittany, she said "Kenzie had an excellent day today." I was so relieved. I guess that does it for now. Hope to have more good news as the week goes on.
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