my weekend...

This weekend was interesting... I took the car both days which is a rarity... I usually dont' take it on Sunday's because I don't like to drive on less than 5 hours sleep. But this weekend, I felt surprizingly able to do it. I didn't have any trouble out of it. My troubles were at work and it was not fun... I was doing ok until 3 pm yesterday when they pulled on of our cna's to another unit, then it all went downhill from there to the extent that we didn't think we would get our 1/2 hour lunch breaks... when I finally was able to take one, I decided it wouldn't me for nourishment in the form of food, but nourishment in the form of a talk with God. I basically had a moment to revamp with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT. Then was able to go back to the floor feeling like a different person. I could have gone to the chapel for this time, but I went instead to the break room not even remembering about the chapel. I only had one thing on my mind and that was time with God. I will in the future go to the chapel though. I like the idea of having a chapel at work where I can do those kinds of things. when I got back to the unit, I was able to feel like I was ok until Toya went on break and instantly, the fire alarm went off! I was the only aide on the floor and the nurses don't really like to help secure the facility for the fire emergencies... well at least the ones that I was working with that night... we were able to secure it quickly and then the people started going crazy wanting to know what was going on, but I couldn't tell them because i didn't know what the problem was until the fire department got there... and found a malfunctioning smoke detector. I was able to finish the night and got home in record time. I just wanted to come home and sleep off the day. So today, Kenzie didnt' have school and she was upset about that, but we got through it didn't we. I will be finding out from the home warranty company some info about two claims I am about to put in with them. It will cost me a chunk, but I would rather pay it than pay a lot more to fix the problems. I guess that is all for now. Talk more later!


  1. wow sounds like you had a busy weekend!! lol. How was your labor day? Good i hope :D Glad to hear that you are feeling better :D Thats great! Well i hope you have a good week :D


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