Hmmmm quite the day... yesterday was....

We had such an (for the lack of a better word) interesting day yesterday. Kenzie and I overslept and she just made the bus. Not good! She was off her routine. So, I e mailed Mrs. Brittany to give her the heads up that we had overslept and I didn't get the folder in the backpack. She appreciated the heads up. So, until right about 11am, I thought things were going ok. She e mailed me and said that Kenzie had needed to sit in the thinking chair for not following directions, throwing toys, running in the classroom. It was completely not Kenzie at school yesterday. In addition to that she started crying when she got there wanting mommy. After they told her she was at school and after school she would go home to mommy, she was fine. Then right before she left school, she didn't make it to the bathroom in time, which is again unlike her! She came home in a different pair of jeans and panties. She doesn't have accidents like that anymore, I wonder what is going on with her. Mrs. Brittany thinks that it is because her routine was off yesterday and she felt rushed. I kind of think it was because on weds. she had a long nap and so we had trouble getting her put to bed that night. So, there will be no more naps for Kenzie. So far nothing else going on. Will post again if any developments occur.


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