At my request, Mrs Brittany sent home homework for Kenzie to do. So, we started working on "homework" today and Kenzie loves it! She let me make letters out of dots and she traced them. She did her name 5 times, all of the abc's and the numbers 1-10. I really was surprized at how good she tolerated sitting there and doing something constructive, but since I told her that Mrs. Brittany said for her to do her homework, she did it with no problems. I also took some pics that I thought you might like. So, here they are.
"Mommy, I love doing my home work. It is fun!" She really enjoyed doing this! She didn't want to quit. I had to make her stop because I didn't want her to get to where she didn't want to do it anymore.
I had to show you this one. It as just too goofy!
Crazy hair Kenzie! She had so much fun having me do her hair the other day and here was the results! Crazy Hair!
I have named this picture the "Barbie Bicycle riding ballerina princess Kenzie" She had me take her training wheels from her princess bike and put them on this one. I was shocked when she was so willing to ride it since we got her a princess one for her birthday and she wanted nothing to do with it after we let her pick it out! I will just save the princess one for Maddie. She will love it!
That does it for the happenings right now.
Pretty in Pink