As promised...
We ate dinner after they got here, and Yaya and I did dishes. I have now started helping Mommy do the dishes after we eat everyday. I really like helping Mommy. It is fun!
While I was helping Yaya and Mommy paint in the kitchen, Pappy sat in the living room on our new couch (Thank you Aunt Jan) and talked to "Uncle" Maxx and Daddy.
My Daddy's friend "Uncle" Maxx came to help arrange furniture and talked to Daddy and Pappy when they were done with the furniture thing while Mommy, Yaya and I painted in the kitchen.
Mommy has been looking at samples for the countertops even though she knows it will be a while before she can have them replaced and the ones she has are in good condition so don't have to be replaced, she just doesn't like the color of them, so the marbled looking chip above is what she thinks she wants on the countertops and the solid one is the color of the walls.
Here is a picture of the kitchen after we painted it.
Pic #2.
Pic #3
Pic #4
And another of the kitchen.
Here is a close up of the artwork that Aunt Amanda and Uncle Derrick gave us. Thank you so much it looks great in there!
And another one that they sent us.
This is the last one that they sent us, and I think it is Mommy's favorite! She loves that fat chef for some reason!
Angel loves her new toys!
She also likes to nap!
Well that is all for now. Hope all is well for everyone else!
Kitchen looks dark...but nice and I miss Angel Pup!