Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
My name is Kenzie. I have a little sister named Madison. I call her Maddie. I try and be a good girl, but sometimes, I break the rules. When I do, I have to sit in the thinking chair. When my time out is over, I tell Mommy I am sorry. For Christmas this year, please bring me a V Smile game system with a Cinderella game. I really like Cinderella. I know that it is a big gift, but Santa, I try really hard to be a good girl, and although sometimes I make mistakes, all in all I am a good big sister. I think Maddie would really love the V Smile Baby Game System. I think she could really learn from it. I also think that the V Smile system will help me with the Letter and Number Recognition that Mrs. Brittany tells Mommy that we need to work on. I will write you again closer to Christmas to tell you how much I love you and what I want to give to Mommy and Daddy for Christmas.
Kenzie Cox


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