I will have to admit that I was wrong and Ryan was right! Yes I know ladies, I admit that a man is right for once. Ryan taught me that ebay is much more affordable than buying direct from the store. Take for example the girls christmas. We researched what we want to get for them including shipping, there are several of the same item some with more accessories, that would cost me less to have delivered than if I went to the store and bought it myself. Wow! Thanks Ry! I now know that I will be shopping on e bay in addition to some of the other stores in person for christmas this year. In other news, Kenzie woke up this morning very upset because of the thunder storm we were having. We really needed the rain, but I didn't need a 4 year old who was shaking so bad that I had to dress her, pack her to the bathroom so she could potty, and pack her to the bus. She was literally shaking like a leaf! Poor Baby! I felt so sorry for her. We gave her to option to stay home and cuddle Mommy or to go on and go to school and play with her friends Jayden and Skylar M. She chose to go to school. She was like, "I am not staying home. I want to go to school." This is awesome. Then after school, Kenzie did her homework. We are trying to come up with more ideas for letter recognition and number recognition with her. I got out some beads, and she counted them time and time and time again. She is getting good at counting objects, now if I could only come up with a fun activity for her to recognize the numbers she is saying. I am taking any suggestions that any of you can throw at me for Letters and Numbers. She writes her numbers, rather traces them, everyday when she does her name. She is now recognizing when her name is written. She also recognizes that the letter K is in her name. When I asked her what a K was she said "in my name" I figure that is a step in the right direction. Maddie is about the same except for one thing. Poor babe got soap in her eyes tonight. It was awful. I have never see a baby want to open her eyes so bad, but know that if she does, it hurts! I am working on a few other things this week, like orgainization of Madison's clothes she has outgrown. Carol, please have Aunt Linda e-mail me. Thanks. I spoke with Amanda yesterday, she is hanging in there. Having a complication with her health right now, but all in all she is doing well. I also got a call tonight from Mom. Please keep Jessica in prayer. She is a girl that goes to Mom's church and she is pregnant but the baby isn't doing well. I guess that sums it all up.


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