Happy Be Lated Birthday to me!

Yes, that is right. I finally got my birthday present from Mom. She had promised me that for my birthday, she would take me to Derby Dinner Playhouse. So, I called her last week and told her I wanted to go see the performance called Sing Hallelujah! and she got me a reservation for tonight. Let me tell you it was great! If you have the chance, go see it. We had a great meal, awesome entertainment, which was centered around a church setting. And dessert was great too. I had cheesecake, Mom had the chocolate peanut butter cream pie (which was so good. I had a taste of it) and her friend Hilda had Hummingbird cake (or pie I can't remember, but she had me try it, and it also was a great dessert). So then after the show, Ryan picked me up and we were off to Walmart to get paint so that I can start painting the kitchen tomorrow. I was a little bummed out when I couldn't get the red I wanted, but I settled for a color called Paprika. It is a lighter more orangy color than I originally wanted, but that was the color I had thought about many times. I will have pics up as soon as I can. Kenzie was a very good girl today. And when I went in to get Maddie from her nap, she was chanting, "Yayayayayayayaya" for those of you who don't know, the girls call Ryan's Mom Yaya(which is Greek for Grandma). I thought it was the cutest thing especially since they will be comming into town tomorrow... Ryan is doing ok. Now for the goods. I rarely do this, so enjoy while you can. I had Hilda's daughter take 2 pics of me and Mom. I am putting the one I liked best on here for you guys. Hope you like it. Keep in mind that I am very camera consience. I don't like them, and for the most part, if I am the subject being captured, they don't like me. So here you are....




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