
Showing posts from January, 2008


Although I have lots of blonde friends, I just had to post this. It is a good laugh.... knew a blonde that was so stupid that....... she called me to get my phone number. she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said "concentrate." she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind. she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order. she sent me a fax with a stamp on it. she tried to drown a fish. she thought a quarterback was a refund. she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death. she tripped over a cordless phone. she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept. she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store. she studied for a blood test. she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats. when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved. when she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead. when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said "Airport Left" she turned around and w...


Not much new other than Kenzie laid on the couch most of the day under covers watching tv since she was not feeling well. Poor Babe! Maddie is a trooper though. It seems like nothing can keep her down. Ryan is on his way home from work and that is about it. I have done a few things today like cleaning out the e mail box, and tidying up some things here in the house. Playing with Maddie and Kenzie and then I also was able to research some things. I will post more later if I get the chance. Dawn

A new song!

Kenzie learned this song at school today and I thought I would share it with you all: up pop’s the groundhog from his hole will he see his shaadoow if it’s a yes then brr it’s cold if it’s a no then whoooa it’s warm. (tune: up on the rooftop reindeer paws….) I thought it was cute enough to post here. Dawn


If any of you have any answers or info on any of the following questions, please e mail or comment it here for me... My mom asks, Is Maddie talking enough for her age. I think she should be talking in sentences... so i found... and e mailed it to her. I even gave her some stuff to do with Maddie, but she has me concerned because of Kenzie's speech issues... So I am researching ways to get toddlers talking more. Then she says, YOU NEED TO GET MADDIE TESTED FOR AUTISM. I reply with, when I took her to the doc the last time I told her YOU were worried about the Autism, and Dr. Morgan isn't concerned with it. I am also researching that. here is a link on diagnosis of autism although Dr Morgan isn't concerned with it, I feel that I should put it here to help educate other mothers about autism since it is so f...

the cox family is sick!

Ryan's symptoms are-- stuffed nose, cough, sore throat I have a head cold. Maddie is coughing and has a runny nose Kenzie has a runny nose, cough, and complaining of ear pain. So, needless to say, we are sick and won't be going anywhere we don't have to until we are better. We miss all of our CICers. We will be back just as soon as we get over this yucky stuff. Don't want to get any of you sick. On to other things, yesterday I played with the oven until I could get it to work. I think Pop might be right about needing to get the pilot light thing serviced, but the question is, who do I call? I know the ghost buster's can't fix it, so any suggestions? After playing with it, I was able to bake a cake for Kenzie's birthday and she has been wanting me to use the pan Amanda gave me that has these disks you put in and it imprints the design on the top of the cake, so she has a cake that says in bubble letters "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" it is cute. I also ba...

My Best Friend

The words to this song fit so many in my life, and here they are: Angel: you are my best girlfriend. You are never more than a phone call away. I think of how close we have become in the last year everytime I hear this song. Ryan: you are my best friend, my husband, and my babies' daddy! I will always think of you during the chorus of this song. If I had to pick one song to sum you up it would be this song. Jesus: YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND. YOU ARE MY ROCK AND I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT! There are many others, but I am running out of time, you know who you are if you are special to me, and so to you I devote this song! find it on my playlist if you want (if I can find it) I never had no one I could count on Ive been let down so many times I was tired of hurtin So tired of searchin til you walked into my life It was a feelin Id never known And for the first time I didnt feel alone Youre more than a lover There could never be another To make me feel the way you do Oh we just get ...

cute! and so true!

RECIPROCATE PLEASE! God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go. I need this back. If you'll do this for me, I'll do it for you....When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need. Take 60 seconds and give this a shot! All you do is simply say the following small prayer for the person who sent you this.Father, God bless all my friends in whatever it is that You know they may need this day! And may their life be full of your peace, prosperity, and power as he/she seeks to have a closer relationship with You. Amen. Then send it on to five other people, including the one who sent it to you. Within hours you caused a multitude of people to pray for other people. Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life. P. S. Five is good, but more is better.

Jesus loves me (adult version)

Jesus loves me, this I know, Though my hair is white as snow Though my sight is growing dim, Still He bids me trust in Him. (CHORUS) YES, JESUS LOVES ME.. YES, JESUS LOVES ME.. YES, JESUS LOVES ME FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO. Though my steps are oh, so slow, With my hand in His I'll go On through life, let come what may, He'll be there to lead the way. (CHORUS) When the nights are dark and long, In my heart He puts a song. Telling me in words so clear, "Have no fear, for I am near." (CHORUS) When my work on earth is done, And life's victories have been won. He will take me home above, Then I'll understand His love (CHORUS) I love Jesus, does He know? Have I ever told Him so? Jesus loves to hear me say, That I love Hi...

What kind of blogger are you?

You Are a Life Blogger! Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary. If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible. What Kind of Blogger Are You?

What is your ideal hairstyle?

Your Ideal Hairstyle: Layered Bob What Women's Hairstyle Is Right For You?

what does your latte say about you?

What Your Latte Says About You You are easygoing and pretty simple to please. You don't put up a fuss... ever. You are a very frivolous person. You don't take anything too seriously. Why should you? You have a good deal of energy, but you pace yourself. You never burn out too fast. You're addicted to caffeine. There's no denying it. You are a child at heart, and you don't ever miss the opportunity to do something playful. You are dramatic and intense, but you are never moody. What Does Your Latte Say About You?

What are the Keys to your heart?

The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love. Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

Storm and School

Well, yesterday I got an e mail from Mrs Brittany saying they were talking early yesterday about a delay today, but that didn't happen. We had a huge bad horrible storm last night, but Kenzie rocked! Yes the kid who hates storms did very well. She cried for a minute, but then she was ok. I sent her to school today because she was feeling well enough to cause trouble yesterday, so I fiugre that if she can do that she can go to school as long as she doesn't have a fever. The teacher sent me an e mail telling me that she had a horrible runny nose. In fact, they referred to her nose as running like a sugar tree! And Kenzie did very well picking out words with the letter c today. Yay Kenzie! And another update when possible. Dawn

And a sick little girl lives with me!

Over the weekend, Kenzie and Maddie both started having a runny nose and cough. Kenzie was feeling so bad last night that she went to bed at 8! I kept her home from school today not wanting to get any of her classmates or teachers sick, and she didn't wake up until 8am! Wow! She slept for 12 hours! She was happy she got to stay home but still wasn't feeling well. I have noticed green goop comming from her nose, so we are keeping a close eye on her. Still she has no temp. I just wish there was something more I could do to make her comfy! Poor Baby. Maddie on the other hand has the runny nose and cough, but it isn't slowing her down one bit! She keeps falling and yelling, "OWWW" that is her new word. and she is so appropriate when she uses it. Too cute. I don't know what the plans for this weeks are, but if I have sick children, I know one thing is for sure, if they are sick, no church for us. Will keep you posted on that since I have been batteli...

"It's Messy Monday Mom!"

Kenzie came home from school today with blue stained hands. I was like, "Kenzie what on earth did you do at school today?" and she replied "It's messy Monday Mom." How funny! I had forgotten that Miss Brittany declared Monday Messy day because the kids love to paint so much. Kenzie loved it! My weekend was a weekend. I even cut myself right on my achilles tendon at work this weekend. OWWW! But, I am fine. Ryan is hanging out. Maddie is teaching herself how to scribble today! How funny! Carol goes in for her second surgery on Wednesday, so be praying for her. Grandma Tigger is staying with her to help her through this time. I am working on a few things so that is all I have time for right now, but have a good day anyway. Dawn

A BIG thank you to Beth Spencer!

I've been looking back over some of my blog entries from just a few short weeks ago, and I just thought I would tell Beth Spencer THANK YOU! for getting me hooked. Things happen that I blog and a few weeks ago I forget about it. thanks for creating a memory book for me by opening me up to the blogging world. You have done me a huge favor. Hopefully in the future I can do the same for you! Thanks again Beth! You Rock! Dawn

Busy Friday

Today has been a busy Friday. We woke up early. I went off to the bank and then to order Kenzie's cake since our oven isn't in proper working order as of yet, so I am having Jay C bake and Ice the cake, then I am finishing it off with a cake decorating kit. I know it isn't home made like I have done other years, but I am not in the mood to travel 40 minutes just to bake a small cake. We are having Mom, Pop, Mimi (one of the girls I work with), and Uncle Maxx over for cake and taco salad and then presents. I think Kenzie will enjoy it just as much as a huge party. So, I am taking the small way out this year. We just have too much going on to worry about a big party. Maddie has been such a good girl today. She even sat (on her own accord) on her potty for a few minutes today. First with her pants up and then she stood up and sat on it with them down (while I was sitting on my potty!). How cute is she? She didn't do anything, but I think it is definately a step ...

Lay up for yourselves treasures IN HEAVEN

Last night, Brian talked on a passage that I had stumbled across on Saturday, so I take it God wanted to teach me a lesson. I decided to share this lesson with you. I am glad that God allowed me to read it prior to going to church, so I feel that I got even more out of it than I did when I read it myself. I feel like somtimes I just need someone, Brian in this case, actually breaking it down and discussing it with me as we are reading it. Matthew 6: 19-34 19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 22"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. 23But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how gr...


We went to church for the first time in a while because of our vacation and then Ryan's new job, and what do Megan and Chris sing? EVERYTHING. Kenzie was singing "Be my everything" over and over and over on the way home. It was so cute. Maddie went to the nursery and was doing great until the lady in there had to put her down to tie a shoe. Then she went ballistic! Ryan went to her rescue and allowed me to stay in and get the message. It was so totally awesome. What was even more awesome was that for some reason, I opened the Bible on Saturday on one of my breaks and read the exact same passage that Brian talked on tonight! WAY TO GO BRIAN! but even more: WAY TO GO GOD! I also did a few errands today. I of corse did the grocery shopping. We went to Jeffersonville, Clarksville, and Louisville to run a few more and then I picked up a surprise for Kenzie for having a good report card. I gave her a new webkinz. She loves it! So, now she is watching American I...

Snow Day....

Today, we got up and got Kenzie dressed for school not even thinking to check the news to see if school had been cancelled until I looked outside and discovered our streets were covered in snow. I then turned on WHAS 11 and discovered that school was cancelled due to the fact that the neighborhood streets weren't safe for busses to drive on to get the children. By this time, Maddie and Kenzie were both ready to stay up for the day! I wish I would have gotten up at 5 when Ryan did to have discovered this and I wouldn't have woken Kenzie up at all. So we hung out for the day and did some home work. That was about the extent of our snow day. We did get to see the snow plow clear the road today and let me tell you Kenzie was so excited about that. Maddie was just her chipper little self. And that is all I can come up with in this over worked brain of mine. LOL. Dawn

Job Requirements for Parents

This is hysterical. If it had been presented this way,I don't believe any of us would have done it!!!! POSITION Mom Mommy Mama Dad Daddy Dada Pa Pop JOB DESCRIPTION Long term, team players needed, for challengingpermanent work in an often chaotic environment.Candidates must possess excellent communicationand organizational skills and be willing to workvariable hours, which will include evenings and weekendsand frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required. RESPONSIBILITIES The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of apack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not som...

Almost over...

My work week is almost over until Saturday now. I am going in for 6 hours today and then I won't have to go back for 4 more days. I am working on a unit that is heavy lifting, but shouldn't be too bad for me. I should be home by 9 tonight and hopefully I can post then. I did have a horrible weekend with my co workers, so hopefully that will not be the case tonight. Kenzie has been a hoot today. She is off of school because of MLK day. Maddie has been good. We are looking for a full size bed frame and mattress/box spring set as well as safety rails so she doesn't fall out of her bed. We discovered that some of the springs poked through her matteress(it wasn't a realgood one anyway) so we have taken her out of her bed and put her and Kenzie in the same bed. For now it will work, but I would like to get Maddie's bed finished soon. Ryan is home from work today he will work 12 hours tomorrow. And I guess that is the scoop right now. MADDIE'S WORD FOR THE ...

Mission Organization

Today I am on a huge mission! It is organizing this humongous house of mine! LOL! Kenzie and I have done the den/dining room and Maddie's room so far today and we are on to Kenzie's room and the Kitchen/Living room next as we do laundry. We may have Mom and Pop over for dinner tonight, so I might not get to post again today. If that is the case, please make sure and have a great weekend. Kenzie put herself to bed lastnight hugging the schoolhouse toy she got laying along with the webkinz. It was so cute! And here is the kicker, she put herself to bed in her room! Awesome! Well the washer is beeping, gotta go! Dawn

What do your hands say about you?

What Your Hands Say About You You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills. Flexible and broad minded, you can fit in to any situation. There's no telling where your life will take you. Consistent and reliable, you like to count on structure and routine in your life. Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life. What Do Your Hands Say About You?

What does your birthdate mean?

Your Birthdate: March 27 You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything. You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life. Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal. You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return. Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge Your power color: Cobalt blue Your power symbol: Dove Your power month: September What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

The UPS Truck is here

Finally after Kenzie waiting all day, the brown truck pulled up and she screamed, "Mommy something is here with my presents!" how funny! So I get the box downstairs where we were and we open it to find 3 new webkinz, several outfits, a toy for kenzie, and a toy for Maddie. The toy for Kenzie is totally cool! I love it and you can see it by going to this link, . And Maddie's is one that I think all children like. It is the Sesame Street See 'n Say Elmo's Peek & Seek. I couldn't find a picture of it on here, but hey, I will keep trying and if I can find it, I will put it in here. It helps teach babies colors and shapes. I totally love it. It is so cute. Now for the Webkinz. If you want more info on them, go to this link: . Kenzie got: Cocker Spaniel she named Lady. Pig she named Spammie (after Riley's cat Sammie) Turtle she named Pokey because turtles are s...


She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati On a snow white Christmas Eve Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline It would been a long hard year She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention She was going way to fast Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass She saw both their lives flash before her eyes She didn't even have time to cry She was sooo scared She threw her hands up in the air Jesus take the wheel Take it from my hands Cause I can't do this all on my own I'm letting go So give me one more chance To save me from this road I'm on Jesus take the wheel It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder And the car came to a stop She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock And for the first time in a long time She bowed her head to pray She said I'm sorry for the wayI've been liv...

The Mitten Story

Kenzie brought this story home from school and we thought we would share it with all of you. One cold morning, long, long ago, a little boy named Ivan pulled on his favorite yellow mittens, waved good-bye to his grandparents, and went out to gather wood. He trudged through the new-fallen snow, pulling his little sled behind him. In the forest, Ivan found a spot where twigs and branches had fallen off the trees. He gathered so much wood that it kept rolling off his sled. As he bent to pick up a stick, Ivan dropped one of his yellow mittens. Little Ivan trudged back home, pulling his sled full of wood behind him, not knowing that he had lost one of his favorite mittens. Meanwhile in the forest, a little mouse found the mitten and crawled in to keep ward. Soon, a frog came by and asked the mouse if he could come in, too. "Sure. Come in before you freeze," the mouse said. Then an owl flew down and asked if he could come into the mitten. "Sure," said the mouse. ...


Today has been quite strange. Maddie slept until 10 am. Don't know what the deal there was. Ryan was up and out of the house early for work. Kenzie woke up crying that she didn't want to go to school, but she went anyway. I found out that there is an illness going around at school. Starts with a cough, then lowgrade fever then diarreah/vomiting. I sure hope she isn't comming down sick. I put on a pot of veg. soup today. Yummy! Kenzie came home from school and drew pictures for Riley and Shelby. She misses them so much. Then it was on to the chalk board. We did some letters there. I am using the chalk board activities for letter/number recognition. And learning how to write at the same time. I am so happy that she is loving it. She thinks we are just playing and really she is getting a lot of learning time in there too. We also did some homework. She did well with staying in the lines coloring on the first page. Not so much on the second one though. Madd...

Hooked on Phonics Crazy

Kenzie and I had a Mommy/Big Girl night tonight when Ryan got home from work. The first one in a while. It was nice to just be able to be with her and not have any fussing over things. I was happy that she was so laid back and listened so well in the stores. We went looking for a few things and I came out with: 4 hooked on phonics kits (i paid $3.00 each) arts supplies for the school kits. shoes for maddie sippy cups manuscript tablets construction paper greeting cards purse for kenzie few groceries vinegar(did you know it will get rid of ants?) I even found a dvd for me. Will let you know how things go with the learning stuff as we do them. dawn

Pink and Red for...

Pink for Kenzie's upcomming birthday. We are thinking that we will just do something small here at home this year and then next year we will do a party. We are just not wanting to throw a party if no one will show up and believe that if we wait for next year, her friends from the neighborhood will come(she will be at a new school and have friends closer to home) and that is why we think that no one showed up last year. Red for Dia de Amor (valentines day). I just thought it sounded so much more romantic to say it in spanish! I am going to try and plan something, but you will have to wait and see. Dawn

A Royal Potty for a Princess

Last night, while at walmart, I saw that they had the royal potty for under $20.00, so we picked one up for little Maddie. She loves it as long as she is fully clothed. I know it will take an adjustment period, so I can't wait until she pee's in it for the first time. I took a little water and poured it in there to show her what will happen when she pee's in it. It played music and her eyes got so big with joy I wasn't sure if they would stay in their sockets! It was so cute. So hopefully, she will be into potty training soon. Kenzie is at school although, she woke up saying "I AM NOT GOING TO SCHOOL MOMMY!" and I told her she had no choice. She was going to school and she would like it. Needless to say she got up and got dressed and off she went. Such a grumpy girl today. Ryan got up and was out of the houe before 5 am for his first day on LIFESKILLS he has since called me and he loves it. I on the other hand am going to continue on the spring clea...

Benny Bear


Mimi Mouse


Kenzie's day at school

Kenzie got off of the bus screaming, "Mom it snowed!" It was so cute. Then when I got into her backpack, I found her daily sheet with this on it... Kenzie had wrote her name (not perfect but she tried) and a note from the teacher above it saying "INDEPENDENT WRITING-- ONLY VERBAL PROMPTS!" I am so excited for her! We are definately getting somewhere. Then under the teacher comments part, I find... "SHE CAME IN TELLING ME IT WAS SNOWING-- SUPER EXCITED!" I too saw this when she got home! Construction Zone Newsletter Week 2 Dear Family, This week Kenzie will learn about solving problems. Using the topic "Build with Me," we will read stories about building things and working together to solve problems. You can help your child learn more by talking with him/her about things she/he is doing at school and the new letters and words that he/she is learning. Here are some ways that you can work with your child at home. Think and Talk: What did y...

And WINTER is here!

I look out the window to see.... A BLANKET OF SNOW! It is covering my driveway, walkway, yard.... and we are expecting more this week! I think it is safe to say that winter has finally decided to come! Don't get me wrong, snow is pretty, but I don't like it because that means I have to drive in dangerous conditions! I would much rather be driving in tropical storm force winds and rain (I have done this! When all the hurricanes were going through Florida a couple of years ago!). Now on to other things... Saturday: I had a really busy day. I was at work and didn't think it would ever end. Admissions and falls and sending people to the hospital... stabalizing others and stuff that goes on in the health care centers all the time. Sunday: Zach forgot to add me back into the schedule, so I got off at 2pm. Rode home with Maxx since he lives in Jeffersonville and Ryan and the girls were going to be at his house anyway. When we got there we watched a little of the game an...

Work in Progress

Let me see.... Here are our current projects: *Ryan paint the bathroom.... DONE *Put the bathroom back together *pick up the new vanity *paint the ceiling in the bathroom *paint the bathroom baseboards *install new vanity *pick and install tile floor in bathroom *continue spring cleaning (I know it is early, but I would rather get it all done now) *get belt and fix old washer so we can return the rental one *sand, prime and paint Kenzie's bed white *get venetian plaster for living room wall. *pick color for other walls in living room/hallway/entryway/den/diningroom I know this is a lot, but a lot goes into being a home owner. I am loving the freedom to do what we want to with our home though. We dropped the girls off to Mom tonight and so we were able to get a quiet evening to work on some of our projects. We will be finishing the bathroom at some point this year. I just don't know what flooring I want in there. And since there is waterdamage, I think I will have to do a lo...

Donation Central

Today I got up and decided I would go through all of our stuff and trash what we don't need and anything that is in good enough shape, we would donate to a worthy cause. I have so far gotten Ryan and My bedroom done. I am off to Maddie's room next then Kenzie's. I am in the mood to get things done so watch out! I have gotten rid of a bunch of stuff already. I am getting rid of the baby stuff since we are so done with kids. I told Ryan "THIS BABY MAKING FACTORY IS CLOSED"! I said it as a joke because he was saying that we needed a little boy, but man am I serious! Kenzie has had a pretty good day. She is being a great assistant to me and is even being willing to part with some of her stuff. Maddie on the other hand wants to play with everything we are trying to get rid of. RYAN TOOK THE JOB! He told Steve at work that he was going to take the position. He starts in Lifeskills on Tuesday. He can't wait. It will be fun to have him only working 3 day...

I can talk to Momma.

I have been neglecting to tell you all of Maddie's progress. She is doing really well! *she climbs up the stairs *she scoots down the stairs *she is a monkey! she climbs onto all of our furniture and then jumps off of it (more of a slide down) *she fights with her sister like sisters do *she is trying to figure out the spoon on her own *she loves cuddles *she is saying a few more words: mama dada nana eat ere(here) ni (night) mmmm(yum) sis ennie(her new word for kenzie) there are probably others, but those are the most recent ones. And I guess that is about it for Maddie's new stuff. Will alert you as to anything new as it happens. Dawn

report card/progress note


This explains it

Kenzie's teacher just sent me a reply to the e mail I sent her asking about the report cards/progress notes, so I copy/pasted it: That was completely my fault, we ran late yesterday and they didn’t get put in the backpacks (they were sitting on top of their mailboxes!). They are all finished and I will send them home today, I’m so sorry it didn’t get in her backpack yesterday!! I was going to call, but I can tell you in this e-mail. Kenzie is such a compassionate little girl!! We have a new student who is still adjusting to school and gets sad from time to time and Kenzie is just so sweet! We were all sitting in circle time and the student started to cry and she put her arm around this student and said “it’s ok”. Oh, it was one of those “heart-song” moments where you could just cry it was so sweet!! I wanted to make sure you knew that!! She’s making progress in answering questions during circle! She use to just say what the last student said and she’s coming up with some or...


just wanted to put a note in here to say that we didn't get the progress report today nor did we get a report card. have been uber busy, talk more later! dawn

A Conversation with the Speech Therapist.

I have been having some troubles knowing what to do with Kenzie as far as her educaiton is concerned, so I got in contact with the Speech Therapist today and here is basically what came out of it: *she is working a part time schedule but with a full time case load. Meaning she sees students from the time she gets to work until she goes home all days that she is at the school. It is very hard to do full time on a part time schedule. I understand this. I work a part time schedule but full time hours. I pull 60 hours a pay check which is full time hours, but I only work 2 days a week. So I can sympathise with her there. *The last nine weeks progress notes are comming home tomorrow so we will have report cards and all in here tomorrow at some time. Yay! *She is going to let me know if she changes the sounds that she is working on with Kenzie. She still is correcting Kenzie for the /k/ and /g/ sounds, but she is concentrating more on her language skills now and correcting her as nee...

Ms. Betty

This morning while Kenzie was at school, Ms. Betty had Devon come over and ask me to go talk to her. When I got over across the street I was informed that her uncle was in a car accident and they aren't expecting him to live and could I watch Devon until Pappy got there to get him. Of course I said I would. Please keep Ms. Betty's uncle in your prayers. Dawn

He did it again.

Ryan got up and went to work today, Kenzie got up and got on the bus.... I went to lay on the couch until Maddie woke up only to have the phone ring and Ryan was on the other end to say he was getting budgeted for today and was on his way home from work. So when Kenzie got home from school, we went to Home Depot and picked out the color for Kenzie's bathroom. I had picked one color and Ryan said, "How about this one" and so we decided on Ryan's color! Maybe he should consider a change of career and go into interior decorating! He is great at choosing colors that look good with our decor. He has now picked out the bathroom and kitchen colors and I love them. Pictures to come after we get the bathroom put back together since we have another coat to go on it. Mom will be here soon so I better run! Dawn

Instead of WifeSwap we did a Room Swap!

Late last night, Ryan and I decided to swap rooms! We moved Maddie to Kenzie's room. Kenzie and I slept on the couch and today I... *moved Kenzie's bed to Maddie's old room. *Put the tv, dvdplayer, vcr, xbox and v smile in Kenzie's new room. Then I moved all of the clothes and now we are taking a break. When the break is over we will proceed to move the small computer desk into Kenzie's room with her computer (if it will fit). We are leaving the dresser in for kenzie and giving the armiore to maddie. We will also be moving toys from toy room to the two bedrooms. I want them split up and then we can do whatever we want to with the downstairs because it will then be a blank slate. I love that idea. And I ran out and started ryan's car so it wouldn't loose the battery. I was able to start it but it didn't want to. I knwo it is because of the cold weather, so we will be getting it fixed soon so that he can drive that to work and I will have my car ...

I love Kenzie!

Kenzie is such a sweet little girl. She can get into her own fair share of troubles though. She is too funny! Loves to sing! Loves to dance and can't wait for her birthday. I am trying to debate what to do about her birthday because we tried having her a birthday party last year and NONE of her friends from school bothered to show up and none of her friends parents bothered to call and say they weren't comming. So Ryan's take on it is why do a party if no one is going to show up and mine is Kenzie asked for a party. We offered to take her to the movies and a special dinner with Kenzie only and she chose party. So, I am still trying to fight it. I need to figure it out because her birthday is in less than a month. So anyway Kenzie has been doing some really cute things. She gets out the blow up microphone and sings the songs from High School Musical. She helps her sister in every way possible. She plays with Maddie like I never thought she would. She helps clea...

And She's Back in School!

Today was Kenzie's first day back to school! Yay! She got right up when I woke her at 6 and got ready for school. She even went through the house looking for her HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL hat to wear since it is soooo cold here. She was totally ready to go back. I really think she missed her friends at school and her teachers. She has had some progress with that movie I keep referring to that Amanda and Derrick gave her for christmas. She loves watching it and I notice as she watches it, she helps Tad learn the sounds of the letters as he goes through the factory. I really think this might be her new favorite movie. She has tons of movies, but the only one she wants to watch is the letter factory one. She even asked me last night before bed if she could watch it after school today! Great gift Idea! Thanks a billion. Maddie is loving all of Kenzie's toys she doesn't really play with anymore. So needless to say, she is a happy child this morning. She slept all night....

"Mommy, I'm ready for a potty chair"

Today, Maddie stripped herself down. Off came the sweater first followed by the socks, pants and diaper. Then a few minutes later I see her squatting. She POOPED on my tile floor. I thank God it was the tile floor and not the carpet! I also take the hint. We will be getting her a potty very soon! I can't find Kenzie's Dora Potty seat, so I will get Maddie something. Mom is looking for deals since she is going to some sales while in Florida. If she doesn't find anything, I will go out myself and get one. Kenzie and I made Taco Salad for dinner since that is what she and Ryan wanted for dinner. Maddie is up in her room. Since she kept me up all night, I didn't let her have a nap so she would go right to bed and sleep all night. She went to bed at 8 and woke up at 9. I didn't go in. It is all quiet now so I am assuming that she is sleeping. Ryan had a good day at work. His boss gave him a scarf for christmas and he said he would give it to me since he ...

Vacation Pictures Continued

here are the pics I found on my camera. If I can get some of the ones that Carol took to upload I will do so. Am having issues with the files from Carol and Amanda's cameras. I uploaded their cameras when I was in florida and now it is giving me issues with trying to upload them. Oh well. Switchboard Heaven! Here you can see just how little we could see out of the back of our van on the way home. keep in mind, I took the back seat out before we left to go on vacation. Maddie loving her kitty cat and puppy dog bedding! Thanks Aunt Amanda Kenzie chillin on her flower quilt and shams! Thank you again Aunt Amanda Goofy Girl! Here you can see the colors! So Pretty! READY? SET? VODKA! CHASER! Grandma, I know you are seeing this and fussing at me, but you have to understand we pick on you because we love you! I loved those pics! Thanks for being so much fun! Ri and Shell Bell having their fun with the presents under the tree on Christmas Eve! And that does it for pi...

Vacation Pictures

Here is the first of our vacation picutres. These came from Amanda's website. I haven't uploaded anything from my camera yet. So be looking for those later. Riley and Shelby getting their Christmas Eve gift. Riley, Shelby, Kenzie and Maddie after Christmas Eve Service. Riley getting the BIG gift on Christmas Morning. Roy, Carol, Ryan, Grandma, and Derrick after Christmas Eve Service. Here Kitty Kitty. Love you Sammie! You are such a crazy cat! Daddy, Kenzie and Grammy posing for a pic! Maddie loving the switchboard Riley got for Christmas. Let's go. I am soooo ready! Riley showing us how to bowl! Riley and Maddie with their headbands on! Kenzie and Shelby. This was the same bathroom a few days before they flooded it! I love my Uncle Derrick! Kenzie, Shelby, Maddie, Riley on Christmas Eve. Riley, Amanda, Shelby, Derrick, Grandma, Ryan, Me, and Maddie. Kenzie wouldn't take a pick with us! I so totally love my daddy! Aunt Amanda Kisses are so YUMMY! ...

A is for Awesome. Awesome is the definition of Amanda S. Cox!!!

I was given several cake pans on Christmas day because Amanda no longer has storage room for them and I just put them all in a cabinet when we got home. I just now looked to see what they all were! Here is the list: Bert and Ernie, Tweety, Donald, Puppy, Scooby, Sitting Rabbit, Mouse, Pink Panther, Carriage cut out to do baby shower cakes with, Buggs Bunny, Minnie, Pluto, Heart, Santa, Snowman, one that you put these inserts in to change the cake around... the inserts are a ribbon, santa, rabbit, umbrella, happy birthday. other pans were witch, small donald, small hart, oscar the grouch, big bird, scull and super hero.. Needless to say, Amanda just made my life a lot easier. I can do so many more cakes now! I am waiting on this stupid stove thing now though. LOL! Maddie had a really bad night. She hasn't been up and down all night in a very long time! I couldn't believe it. She finally fell asleep at about 5am! and was up again at 8! No sleep for Mommy! Kenzie has...