Decisions Decisions
Well, we had to make a decision between church and taking the girls trick or treating. We chose both. We went to a trunk or treat at a church and they showed a video about Jesus, then we went trick or treating around the neighborhood. I wasn't satisfied with my decision not to come to CIC, but Kenzie didn't go to the Nursing Home last night, partly because I didn't know about it. Now since we went tonight, I did get a few pics. Here we go.... My little flower! I just loved the costume. I don't know where Mom found it, but she got it for like $2.00. That's my kind of buy! Love it! And Maddie had a blast too! Our ballerina Princess. She is just too funny! She had a great time. We got so much candy we had to empty her bucket (seen here) into a pillowcase we took with us like 3 or 4 times. I will have to limit her on candy she got so much! After we got home, I let Maddie have her first sucker, she loved it but my camera batteries went dead in the middle of tric...