My new best friend
Kenzie has been playing with one of the little boys in the neighborhood here daily. His name is Devon, and they love playing together. So, today, Kenzie decided she wanted to be able to ride bikes with Devon, and taught herself how to ride (with training wheels). She never would do that before, but now that she has a friend to play with, she is really interested, the funny thing is though that Kenzie picked out a bike for her birtday and we bought it. However, she wouldn't ride it... Last month when Roy and Carol brought the bike that used to be Riley's to her, she thought it was so cool that Aunt Amanda and Uncle Derrick had sent her a bike that she wanted the training wheels put on "Barbie Bike" so that she could ride it. She absolutely would not ride her Princess one, so we gave in and did it for her, here are some pics of her on the bike and playing with Devon. 
Hope you all enjoyed those pics! Later in the afternoon one of the other neighborhood kids got jealous of Kenzie playing with Devon and called him to his house and asked him to come in because "you don't want to play with her" so I had a conversation with his grandmother, hopefully that won't happen anymore. We shall see. In all the excitement, before I could get to her, Maddie took a fall and busted her lip on the pavement. She cried for a few seconds but is fine. She has a small red spot on her nose from where she ate the concrete, but all is fine there.
"This one is for you Aunt Amanda! Thank you for my bike! I love it!" Kenzie is enjoying it so much! Thanks a billion Amanda and Deke.
I call this one "Just a swingin'" they had so much fun just hanging out on the swingset. Kenzie can't wait for tomorrow after school so she can play with Devon again. "Kenzie you know even though that is fun, it isn't the way you go down the slide right?" she was enjoying it so much I had to let her learn she could get hurt doing it.
"Look, I can do it too!" so Devon had to show us he could do the slide the way Kenzie did too!
Hope you all enjoyed those pics! Later in the afternoon one of the other neighborhood kids got jealous of Kenzie playing with Devon and called him to his house and asked him to come in because "you don't want to play with her" so I had a conversation with his grandmother, hopefully that won't happen anymore. We shall see. In all the excitement, before I could get to her, Maddie took a fall and busted her lip on the pavement. She cried for a few seconds but is fine. She has a small red spot on her nose from where she ate the concrete, but all is fine there.
Adorable Pics!