Thank you Mom!

We have had quite a year, and well, here goes a brief explaination. I was able to get Kenzie on the track to getting speech therapy in January with the help of Mrs. Monroe. Then over the summer while trying to get financing for the house in Jeffersonville, God made it possible for us to get financing for the house I grew up in here in Charlestown, now he has made it possible for us to get a second vehicle. Mom told me this morning that she and Pop had talked about it and that they agree to sell us the van! Thank you Jesus! We have needed one for some time and were just waiting for the right time and deal! Man did she give me one! I love this vehicle! Now when we get ours back from Mike, Mom will use the van until she finds another car for her and we will have two cars! No more being stranded in my own home. I can start taking the girls places! That is what I love the most. We can start those play dates that we have been missing! Also, Kenzie is doing great! She took her plates to school for tomorrow's party, and they loved them! She is going to go in her ballerina outfit (weather permitting) and if not, I will come up with something creative. It should be interesting to see what she actually ends up wearing. Maddie is enjoying her time with her big sister. She runs around her chasing her! She loves her big "inzi" and she is starting to try and say more words now days. She says "mil" which is milk. And "dada, mama, papa, nana" those are just a few. She has said "yaya" a couple of times. That is what the girls call Ryan's mom and it happens to be greek for grandma. I was shocked when Kenzie decided when she was Maddie's age to start calling her that. Ryan is still contemplating about the higher paying position he was offered. He said he wants to take his time thinking abou it since it means he will be away from us for 6 months out of the year. It will be hard for all of us, but if it is what God has planned, we will get through it and praise the Lord for caring enough to get him this job. I will keep you all updated. Anyway, I guess that does it except for the fact that it is still raining here. I almost feel like that we live in a rainforest here lately! LOL! From what I hear it will be raining for the rest of the week :( but then we do need it! Anyway, I will talk more later!


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