I took Maddie out for a ride today and ended up at the Dollar General here on Highway 3 in Charlestown only to run into Cassie. It was great catching up with her. I haven't seen her since March of 1999. We graduated together. By the time we left, we decided to keep in touch via myspace for now. I have already sent her a message. Maddie was quite the happy kiddo. She loved seeing a new face. By the time I got home, Ryan was like "What took so long" so I had to tell him where I went, I was only supposed to go for a ride around the neighborhood to get Maddie to calm down. She was having a rough afternoon until I put her in the car just like Amanda used to do with Shelby when she was a baby! How funny! I have found out that Amanda's surgery is next Monday not yesterday. So keep her in your prayers. Kenzie has been crazy today. She just danced and danced and danced. I would hear her repeating the following "Go on up to the mountain of mercy" that is the only line she remembers to it! And thanks to Megan and Chris, I don't think she will ever not want me to play it on my playlist! She loves the song. We have had to make a deal that I will add new songs when we get home from church on Wednesday evenings. How funny! Ryan had an ok day. It was so nasty out today that I didn't let the kids outside at all! Other than the goofy girls and seeing Cassie, nothing new! Talk to you all later.
Ryan, Dawn, Kenzie and Maddie Cox
Ryan, Dawn, Kenzie and Maddie Cox
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