I had a time limit...

Today was a very busy day. I had a time limit. I had to put Kenzie on the bus. Go drop the dog off, we had to get rid of her due to Kenzie's growing fear of her. Stop and grab a bite to eat, go to the bank, go to the Dollar Store, make it back to Charlestown before the bus got here to drop Kenzie off from school. Whoa, I just made it! It was crazy. In addition to all of that, Santa sent one of Kenzie's presents early. It came today and I had to tell her that it was a gift for santa so that she wouldn't want to open it. Maddie has been so funny lately. She loves playing with her Sister. They ran and ran and ran around the playroom today. I got a load of clothes and things ready to send with Ryan to Once Upon A Child. The neighbor had given them to me thinking that Dustin would be bringing Joshua back to live with us, when we all figured out that it wouldn't happen, the neighbor said to give them to good will or whatever I wanted to do with them, so I decided to sell them to the Once Upon A Child. Kenzie had a sub today. She said his name was Mr. Scott. She went on to tell me that Mr. Scott read a story at circle time. Ryan is ok. A little down due to his recent loss at Fantasy Football, but I see it like this, You win some, You loose some. Amanda is hanging in there from what I hear. I haven't heard from her for a few days, so I am thinking that everything is ok. I am just doing my own thing now. I have started posting at night so that I can put what happens during that day rather than the day before. I guess that is about it... Will edit if I think of anything else.


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