
The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with twenty random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their twenty things) and post these rules. (**if you’re a non-blogger, you can email them!)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
20 Random facts/habits about me:
1. I have been Married for 5 years on October 20
2. I am a cake decorator on the side, but I don't like cake!
3. I am a moderator for a role playing site. (It is all good clean fun)
4. I work at Christopher East Health Care in Louisville as a CNA (that is not good clean fun!)
5. I love my new (old)house. I lived in it when I was in high school
6. Aside from Jesus my kids and husband are #1 to me
7. I love the color purple
8. I am enjoing doing some work on the house.
9. I am home 5 days a week with my kids
10. my favorite unit at work is the alzheimers unit. there I can be myself and no one will care!
11. Cooking is my favorite pass time.
12. I am starting to get into football and baseball with my hubby.
13. i like making up games to play with my kids
14. i don't go out much
15. i hate rollercoasters
16. coffe irritates my gerd
17. I like designing the landscaping we want to do here on our property
18. I enjoy crunching numbers LOL
19. I am an animal advocate
ok, there you have it! now, I really want to hear from~angel, maria, beth, amanda, kendra, kim, sulayne, karen


  1. cool :D ill have to do this after xander goes to bed :D

  2. Yay...you did it! Let me know how that recipe turns out for ya :)

  3. I did this on my myspace woman....

  4. Hey Dawn,
    Sorry it took me so long to get to this. I will post it here since my blog is not up and running. I may put it on myspace as well.

    1. My middle name is Judith
    2. I am a home body
    3. I had lots of hobbies before I had kids ;)
    4. Natalie Merchant is one of my favorite singers
    5. so is Tracy Chapman
    6. My all time favorite movie is "Stand by Me"
    7. I am a cat person (that has no cats)
    8. I'm also a bird person (that has no birds)
    9. I have not eaten meat for 14 years.
    10. I love the show Big Brother way tooooo much.
    11. the last movie I went to see was The Pursuit of Happyness.
    12. The next movie I want to go see is "Lars and the real girl".
    13. I have a huge crush on Ryan Gosling
    14. I think 2 children is plenty.
    15. Its a challenge to think of 20 random things about me.
    16. I am a Capricorn
    17. I would like to grow a garden
    18. The last book I read was the five people you meet in heaven.
    19. I love taking pictures
    20. I am sentimental and I keep way to much stuff


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