The remainder of our day
We had some news come in tonight right before going to church. The problem with our car is the fuel pump they believe and the one shop quoted me over $300, so tomorrow I will be calling around and finding out what some of the other shops in the area are charging for the same job. We are a little bummed out about this, but I know that God will see us through this situation after all, if God brings you to it, He will see you through it! And He will never give us anything that we can't handle. I firmly believe these things. Kenzie had a pretty good day. She has been testing me today to see how much I will let her get away with. It didn't work. Maddie was such a good girl, at church, I took her to the nursery (she has NEVER been taken care of by anyone that I don't know) and she did great! I was so happy for this. Kenzie on the other hand kept asking me where sissy was and when we were going to go get her. You can tell that my girls are never apart. We got to see Josh, Beth, and Isabella tonight at church as well as Maria, Brian, and Brooklyn. I hadn't seen Josh or Maria for a long time. Isabella is just as cute as a button! And when Brooklyn saw that I was holding Maddie, she wanted me too! Maria said that she loves anyone holding babies! LOL! Ryan is doing ok. We are all batteling this sinus stuff. Other than that we are ok. Talk more later! By the way, Megan, thanks for the recipe!
you are very welcome! hope you like it :)