Wonder where they are....
Ryan found my heart ring last night. We have torn the house apart looking for the other two. My wedding band and engagement ring are missing. Don't know if Kenzie got them down from the bathroom and was playing with them or what but two of my three rings are missing and I pray to God that neither of the kids swallowed them. We don't know that either of them did they are not having any symptoms of having a foreign object in their bellies, but it is in the back of our minds since we can't find them. Work was work was work today. We are still awaiting word on the car. Ryan says the girls have been good today. He has been hanging out all day with them and watching some of the college games that were on tv today. That is about it. Mainly just me a little upset about the ring thing. Oh and Lloyd came to service the heater today and told Ryan to call in a claim to our home warranty people because there are cracks in it and we need to have it replaced! Thank goodness for family friends. So, I had Ryan find the claim phone number and the 8 digit account number thing and called, but they can't come out on the weekend unless it is an emergency. I told them that it is supposed to get below 40 this weekend, they said if it does to call back and they will upgrade us to emergency status and send someone out to take care of it. When Lloyd was here, he said he found some cracks and that that was probably why the gas company wouldn't lite it for us when they were here in July. Vectren told me to have it serviced because it needed cleaning. I should have done it earlier, but figured if it only needed cleaning I had time. Lloyd also said that it is "antique" and probably as old as the house. So, if it gets below 40, we will call and have them come out and take care of the furnace. I can almost guarantee that we will end up with a new one out of this and the good thing is it will only cost me a co pay! Furnaces are very expensive, but with a home warranty, everything works out! And that is about it. Got to shower and head to bed for work tomorrow! God Bless everyone!
Best of luck with the heater. Keep your tosies warm. I am sure the rings will show up. I highly doubt the girls ate them. Sorry I wasn't here for you when you needed me. What lil time we did have i enjoyed immensely. Love you. Call tomorrow ok? ~Your Sissy