Lots to blog

Well, a lot has been going on here in my world. The world of the children that is!

-Speech Therapy-- I have recieved several e mail's from Mrs. Brittany today about Kenzie and her speech therapy. Basically, I am not sure what I can do to help getting Kenzie to produce the sounds that they are working on. I try, but I just don't know what to do there. I am not a speech therapist, so I don't know the techniques. I feel like the speech therapist doesn't really want me working on it at home because she said to the teacher "we have to master it at school before it can be worked on at home" that really made me feel un needed. But I know that Kenzie is my daughter and she needs me in everything she does. I really am upset about the way she is taking approach with it. She (therapist) also says that she has a hard time getting Kenzie to follow directions. I don't have much trouble out of her anymore. She used to defy everything I told her, now she doesn't. I don't know what I can tell her to do to get the obedience out of her.

-School Bus-- Kenzie hasn't been enjoying the bus as much anymore. The got a new aide on the bus and Kenzie doesn't like him. She cries everyday when I put her on the bus now and wants me to go on the bus, put her in her seat and buckle her seatbelt, but the bus driver assures me that she calms right down and plays hide and seek behind the seat with him. I am confused as to if it is the new aide or just not wanting to leave me. She will get through it! I am sure.

-Maddie-- Yesterday, Maddie cried and cried and cried. I didn't think the crying would end, but just as I was thinking this, Daddy came home bearing another jug of milk. He gave her a cup of it, and we had QUIET! I thought maybe it was her teeth, but it would appear that she was upset because I had ran out of milk and I was not about to walk to the store to get more. I refuse to walk down 403 with both kids! Now today, she has been having a great day! Go figure.

-Operation Toy Room-- We decided to steal an idea from Derrick and Amanda. We have now moved the toy room from the den to ROY AND CAROL'S room. It has a door on it and if we want, we can close the toys in! LOL! The girls love it! It has so much more room for them to play. Now, Ryan wants to close in the den and put in a dart board and pool table! He has switched from the dining room to the den to be the bar area! How funny!

-Derby Dinner-- I almost forgot that tomorrow night is the Derby Dinner night with Mom. I was looking forward to going to church, so if I can't get to Derby Dinner, we will be at CIC, but if they have the extra ticket, I will go to Derby Dinner with Mom since Sunday was her Birthday and I don't see her that much!

Anyway, I think that does it for us.


  1. you've been tagged...read my blog :)

    and btw--i will bring that recipe to church tonight!


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