Do you know your Honey?

This was on Megan's blog. I thought I would do it for kicks! Enjoy!
1. Who is your man? Ryan Matthew Cox
2. How long have you known each other? 8 years
3. How long have you dated? Dated 2 years, Married 5 years tomorrow!
4. What month was he born? December
5. Do you know his favorite color? I would guess Red because Red is in all his favorite sports teams... Buckeyes, Buccaneers, Louisville, Indians. etc...
6. Who said "I love you" first? We said it at the same time!
7. Who is taller? Ryan
8. Who sings better? Ummmm no comment! LOL
9. Who is the better driver? I am the more patient driver! He drives more though.
10. Whose temper is worse? his
11. Name something you love about your man. He loves his girls and shows it!
12. Who is more organized? me.
13. Who is more funny? he is
14. Tell a physical trait you love. his eyes
15. Who is better with the computer? me
16. Tell something you love about your man. i love how patient he can be with Kenzie when she is trying us.
17. Who cooks dinner?We both do. I cook on the stove and he does on the grill.
18. Who drives when you are together? ryan
19. Who pays when you go out? we both do
20. Who is most stubborn? i am
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? neither. we both think we are each right and that is just the way it is
22. Tell something you love about your man. He is always trying to turn me on to sports and it is so cute that he never gives up on it.
23. Who kissed who first? I kissed him first.
24. Who asked who out? ryan asked me first. To Clearwater beach!
25. Who proposed? we kind of did it spontaneous... We decided together... and you will have to ask for the story!
26. Who is more sensitive? I am
27. Who has more friends? ryan is the more outgoing friendly one.. I try to stay to myself, so I would say Ryan
28. Who has more siblings? Me!
29. Who wears the pants? If you ask me, I do, but if you ask Ryan, He does!
30. Tell something you love about your man. I love how caring he is when it counts!
31. Do you know your man's favorite holiday? Any holiday he can be with his family (they all are out of state)
32. Who is stronger? Ryan
33. Who is a better dancer? ryan is the funnier dancer!
34. Do you and your man have a favorite movie? Don't laugh, but we love watching Cyote Ugly together!
35. Tell something you love about your man? The way he loves spending time with me and the girls!

P.S. Megan, guess what Kenzie is trying to learn to sing???? Give up? Beautiful Scandolous Night. She has me turn it on on your blog so she can sing along! How funny!



  1. We're glad she likes the song, and we're really happy you guys are coming to Psalm 95!


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