I haven't been feeling very well. I have somehow hit my foot in my sleep on the wall or footboard, so it has been quite painful. In addition to that, I am on antibiotics for a minor infection. So it was all I coud do to roll out of bed this weekend to go to work, but I did it. I am not the type to call off just because I don't feel well. I have been known to go to work with thrush, an extremely painful infection that affects the inside of your mouth to the extent that you can't eat and it feels like needles when you swallow water. I will go to work sick and if they want to send me home then that is fine, if not, then I do my best. I just hate to see the old people not have proper care because I was sick. Kenzie is doing well. She came home from school today and did 5 worksheets of homework. I just can't get over how much she loves school. Maddie is turning into a really big mommy's girl. Kenzie at her age, wanted Daddy! Not this kid. She prefers her Mommy! She lets me know it too. Ryan is stressing right about now. He is neck and neck with the guy he is playing in Fantasy Football right now. It is funny to watch him get so into this stuff. Other than that, not much going on... Oh yeah, Mom picked up a costume for Maddie over the weekend. I am a huge believer in saving money, and so is Mom. She was at a yardsale and found a flower costume in Maddie's size, so picked it up. I will have a ballerina and a flower for halloween this year. I think I am taking the kids trick or treating and Ryan is going to hand out some candy. I will probably put Maddie in the stroller and let her just cruise while Kenzie walks. Anyway, Kenzie will probably be the one eating most of the candy. Maddie doesn't need it at her age. LOL! Keep Amanda in prayer, she had to have surgery on Friday. I will post updates as I get them.
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