Furnace update

I had the heater people come out to look at my furnace and they confirmed what Lloyd said. They went back to the office to send the report in to the home warranty and we are waiting for them to call and let me know when they will be installing the new one. Thank God for the warranty! I don't know what we would have done without it. Maddie is doing fine. Still can't find my rings, but on a lighter note, she pooped twice today. Kenzie had fun at school. Ryan called and we decided for me to do cupcakes, but I decided to do a cake for him to take to work with him. I made a pumpking cake. He will take it to work with him on Weds. I will probably post the picture tomorrow. And now for the funny part of the day... WITH AS MANY DIAPERS AS RY CHANGES, HOW COME HE PUT MADDIE'S DIAPER ON BACKWARDS? I got a good laugh out of it! Anyway, Amanda had her surgery and I am waiting to see how it went will update you when I know more.


  1. HAHA backwards diapers, that is just too funny :D dads, they can be so silly sometimes lol.. :D

    thanks so much for the comment. Today has been difficult, but thank God for all of the friends and fmaily that they all have to support them in this moment of need. Thanks again.



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